solved Change color of menu icon

8 years ago
346 posts
How can i go about changing the menu button in the skins header from its standard white to a different color in any skin..i found the icode in the menu.css but its jibberish to me...;)...not your standard css code
updated by @boplive: 08/22/17 04:21:04PM
8 years ago
7,790 posts
Which icon do you want to change?

There are a couple of ways to do it, you can use CSS to target the item using tags on the page and change the background color that way. Just need to find some useful classes somewhere on the page that allows you to target the icon you're after.

The other way is to change it in the .tpl files.

The template code for an icon looks like this:
{jrCore_icon icon="gear"}
but you can change its size and color like this
{jrCore_icon icon="gear" size="20" color="444444"}
8 years ago
346 posts
ooops ...sorry michael,,it's not the icon... its the button..
i should had mentioned the menu button in the header.

class="mobile" id="menu_button"
and i believe i found the code in the menu .css

li#menu_button > a {
background: transparent url("data...blah..blah...blah ..jibberish

so from this code above... how do i change the color?????
updated by @boplive: 05/17/17 05:56:05PM
8 years ago
7,790 posts
There's your problem, you dont have enough blah...'s add a few more and see if it fixes it.

Seriously, though, I need to see the code to help. :)

Or a URL of a page where I can see the button. Then I can use Firebug to figure out what to change.
updated by @michael: 05/17/17 06:05:11PM
8 years ago
346 posts
i'll get the whole code and I'll list it here...brb :)

now this code below is what I think is bringing the white color of the meu button

and when you go to my test site..

i change my header from a #333333 background color to a #ffffff background color

you can see that I put a blue background around the white menu button to show cause with a white background the menu button dissappears

li#menu_buttons > a {
background: transparent url("") no-repeat scroll center center;
height: 22px;
width: 22px;
display: block;
updated by @boplive: 05/17/17 06:59:38PM
8 years ago
3,603 posts
Boplive, perhaps this thread can help?-

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
8 years ago
346 posts
Hola @strumelia ill give that a shot and see what happens..and will let you know

Thank you :)
8 years ago
7,790 posts
put that data:image into the address bar and you will see what it is an image of:

Make the box 'transparent' to have the background gradient show through.
white_lines.jpg  •  57KB

CSS_for_box.jpg  •  786KB

updated by @michael: 05/18/17 06:46:27PM
8 years ago
346 posts
Thanks everyone :)

I was able to make the changes i needed.

Your input on where to go and do helped alot.

Sometimes its just the small things that makes things right :)
