Video Stream URL

8 years ago
242 posts
We recently understand to Stream any JR audio use URL like this:
Questions on Video stream URL:

#1: Is this correct URL to stream any Video? :

#2: When we use URL above we get a FLV download - we need an MP4 stream to a web media player. How to Stream Video instead of download?

#3: In Data Browser videos has .FLV extenstion - Can we specify the video be streamed in MP4 format?
updated by @softdesigns: 08/18/17 05:05:44PM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
8 years ago
926 posts
I was not aware of this, is there a link to documentation on this topic?

Also, because of recently changes to the Chrome browser, it shows Jamroom video embeds as blank until flash is manually enabled for the page.

Might your #3 be a cure for that, if it was forced on all video embeds. Or am I lost on that issue?


Ken Rich
8 years ago
7,799 posts
#1 yes.

#2 I just ran a quick test here. Uploaded a .mp4 and a .flv video. When I went to the stream url for the first one, I got a .mp4 file, for the second a .flv. There might be a trigger somewhere in there to request a different format, I'll look for you.

The function that fires when a 'stream' url is called is view_jrCore_stream_file().

Inside that function there is a part that checks for the name of the file and it has the extension that is retrieved from the datastore. among the data that is returned from the datastore, there is another similar datastore field that you might be looking for, its 'video_file_mobile'. so instead of streaming the /video_file/ try streaming the /video_file_mobile/ that will return a .m4v file.

#3 ask that again if the above solution doesn't get you what you need.
8 years ago
242 posts
@michael : Yes, your advice above works :)
For others who may need, the final URL to Stream Video to MP4 (Mobile) looks like this:

Replace "ID" with valid Video ID
Great Support - Solved...
8 years ago
7,799 posts
There are other options too in there, Check out the datastore. any of the options that has _extension will probably stream.

1	1	video_file_track	0	1
1	1	video_image_name	0	jrVideo_1_video_image.jpg
1	1	video_image_size	0	77949
1	1	video_image_time	0	1495066249
1	1	video_image_type	0	image/jpeg
1	1	video_file_length	0	00:00:05
1	1	video_image_width	0	1280
1	1	video_file_bitrate	0	1205
1	1	video_file_preview	0	0
1	1	video_image_height	0	720
1	1	video_display_order	0	1
1	1	video_file_extension	0	flv
1	1	video_file_resolution	0	1280x720
1	1	video_image_extension	0	jpg
1	1	video_file_mobile_name	0	jrVideo_1_video_file_mobile.m4v
1	1	video_file_mobile_size	0	342358
1	1	video_file_mobile_time	0	1495066249
1	1	video_file_mobile_type	0	video/mp4
1	1	video_file_stream_count	0	2
1	1	video_file_original_name	0	SampleVideo_1280x720_1mb.mp4
1	1	video_file_original_size	0	1055736
1	1	video_file_original_time	0	1495066233
1	1	video_file_original_type	0	video/mp4
1	1	video_file_mobile_extension	0	m4v
1	1	video_file_original_extension	0	mp4
* video_file
* video_file_mobile
* video_file_original

Are worth a try. _original probably wont stream, not sure.
