solved Steps to install HTTPS/SSL

8 years ago
1,353 posts
Wondering what the steps are to make this adjustment on my JR site? Searched the DOCS and nothing comes up
I have created an autossl in WHM for the domain.but when I use https to view the site all my css is broken..
Any ideas on how to configure this in JR?
Thank you
Capture.JPG.jpg  •  131KB

updated by @derrickhand300: 08/01/17 10:10:19PM
8 years ago
10,149 posts
modify the $_conf['jrCore_base_url'] in your data/config/config.php file so it uses "https", then reset caches. Same procedure as here:

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
1,353 posts
Thank you
8 years ago
1,353 posts
Yes this fixed it- thanks again
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Glad to hear that :)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
1,353 posts
Hey Brian- trying to log into my site now that its https...and I cant seem to log in. I "may" have the password wrong so I select "Forgot Password" and enter my user name or email and it acts like its doing something but there is no message saying it completed successfully and so far I have not received an email to rest my password with
Did I miss something else I was supposed to change when moving to https?

Also I did not do this part of the DOCs link above

"For any Marketplace item licenses, release your licenses on the old domain (before deleting the site), then reinstall your licensed modules on the new one."

I sure dont want to delete the site so i stayed away from this
updated by @derrickhand300: 05/02/17 08:30:07AM
8 years ago
1,353 posts
I "think" I need to change the jamroom url in my purchases/sites to https...just not sure how to do this- sure dont want to delete my site:)
8 years ago
10,149 posts
I "think" I need to change the jamroom url in my purchases/sites to https...just not sure how to do this- sure dont want to delete my site:)

No - you don't need to do anything there. There are only 2 steps involved:

1) Update the config.php with the proper NEW URL that includes "https"
2) Reset caches.

I suspect you've not done step 2...

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
1,353 posts
I reset caches yesterday using integrity i can not log in to try it again
8 years ago
10,149 posts
I reset caches yesterday using integrity i can not log in to try it again

Most likely you are not accessing the site at the SAME URL that you put into config.php. For example - if your config.php is:

$_conf['jrCore_base_url'] = '';

Then you will have a problem if you try to go to:

i.e. you are not using the "www". your browser sees:

as 2 different websites - it will NOT load Javascript from one into the other.

If you cannot log in you should be seeing errors in your browser developer tools Console Log.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks-I cannot log in using

Each time I try the FORGOT PASSWORD it does not send me an email link to reset the password.
Did i need to change the email settings to https before doing this so that it would send the emails?
8 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks Brian- there are a ton of error messages in the browser console
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet ',600italic,700italic,300,400,600,700'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
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    at forgot:619
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8 years ago
10,149 posts
Each time I try the FORGOT PASSWORD it does not send me an email link to reset the password.
Did i need to change the email settings to https before doing this so that it would send the emails?

No - email has nothing to do with SSL.

I can see the site is configured with SSL, although you ARE loading non SSL images so you will want to fix that. You'll need to check your email log (wherever you access that at) to ensure email is being delivered.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
1,353 posts
Yeah Im starting to think getting this site to SSL will not be able to be done by me
"WHEN" I get logged back in do i need to go through thousands of pages and re-upload each image?
On my wordpress site I just set the autossl in WHM then installed a module- then that site was SSL in just a couple minutes - all images working- log ins working etc...
Is there some module to fix all that here on Jamroom?
8 years ago
10,149 posts
"WHEN" I get logged back in do i need to go through thousands of pages and re-upload each image?

Of course not. The only place you will have an issue is where you have hard-coded img URLs into templates. Otherwise everything in JR keys off the URL value you enter in the config.php.

We do this on our hosting almost daily, so it works well.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
1,353 posts
Ok thanks...
I guess i should start at the easiest point...after changing the config url to https I can no longer log into the admin part of the site
In addition when I try to reset the site password I am not getting any of the emails
So it appears that https will not work for me...unless there is something more other than changing the http to https in the config file and then deleting the cache folders on the server...
Thanks again for the help- am I missing something?
8 years ago
10,149 posts
after changing the config url to https I can no longer log into the admin part of the site

I think you're probably entering a bad password. The SSL is working (you can tell since when you click "login" you see the activity spinner).

In addition when I try to reset the site password I am not getting any of the emails

Like I mentioned above - this sounds like an email issue - you need to check your email delivery log. You're not on Jamroom Hosting so I cannot tell you how to do that, but your hosting provider should have some way to view your email activity so you can see what is being delivered or if there are any issues.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
1,353 posts
well I have possibly entered a bad password...which is why I am trying to reset it but I am not receiving the email from my Jamroom site to reset it..I have tried at least a dozen times
I just logged into my email using ROUNDTREE directly from the server- tons of emails today- None from Jamroom- no reset email
This has just turned into a get back to functionality can i just remove the "s' from the https in the config file then clear data/cache on ftp to get back to functional-or would it work better if I did a server restore to yesterday
Changing http to https in config file obviously is not going to work for me ( which is just the dark cloud that follows me around here)
8 years ago
10,149 posts
I'm not sure what ROUNDTREE is, but does it need to be updated to know your site is on SSL? Sounds like an email issues.

Yes - you can roll back:

- remove the SSL config from your web server for your domain
- change the config.php URL value back
- restart web server
- reset caches

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
1,353 posts
8 years ago
10,149 posts
No problem - this should be a pretty easy update - we do it regularly here and the SSL is really straight forward, so I would double check how your email is setup and make sure it does not need to be updated to account for your site moving to SSL.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
1,353 posts
Not sure if it helps- but the FORM VALIDATION message started appearing AFTER I removed the https from the config file and restarted apache..
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Not sure if it helps- but the FORM VALIDATION message started appearing AFTER I removed the https from the config file and restarted apache..

That tells me the SSL is not configured right, since what that means is the "form response" was coming back out non-SSL, and Jamroom uses the value of jrCore_base_url when it does a "redirect". So that means the cache was still not reset, or something else was making the site redirect to non-SSL. Do you have any customizations for redirections in your .htaccess file?

It's difficult to say what the issue could be since I don't have access to your server or even know how it is setup, but the Jamroom setup needed for SSL is really minimal and once cache is reset it's pretty much "automatic".

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
1,353 posts
Hey Brian...I dont know if this explains anything....but I ran back through the process again- changed the config file THEN restarted apache and now the https seems to be working AND the log in seems to be working...go figure? Just thought I would put it out there in case some else has a similar problem...
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Weird - yeah that shouldn't matter, since the only reason to restart Apache is to ensure it picks up the SSL certificate, but glad it's working now :)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
