google translator

8 years ago
27 posts
when i install my google translator using my site builder html head the translator is showing up 3 times on the site and on mobile sometimes its only there one time and then it shows up 3 times any help please
updated by @ibr: 07/31/17 02:37:05PM
8 years ago
7,789 posts
Without knowing what you did, its impossible to help.

Currently the question as it stands reads as: "I've added some code I found somewhere and it doesn't do what I thought it would do, why?"

use the [ c o d e ] [ / c o d e ] block to paste your code along with some steps so anyone here reading can reproduce what you have and someone may be able to help.
updated by @michael: 04/29/17 12:47:49AM
8 years ago
27 posts
i paste this code into my site builder as shown in the picture below i selected page config and then selected pae settins and intered the code below my google verification meta tag the issue is that it is showin up multiple times sometimes and some times it only shows up once when i o to the site on my phone it almost always shows up 3 times also attached is the screen shot from the phone
8 years ago
27 posts
additional image
8 years ago
7,789 posts
Without the code its hard to tell, but try adding it to the meta.tpl template in your skin instead of Site Builder.

Docs: "Using the Template Editor"
