Logging Out

Keith Mauck
Keith Mauck
8 years ago
67 posts
I have some users that complain to me about the website automatically logging them out. Is there something that I could be doing on the management end that is causing this?
updated by @keith-mauck: 07/29/17 02:21:34AM
8 years ago
3,603 posts
Look in your ACP>jrUser module>global config>account tab
...there are a couple settings you can adjust. there that might help them. Of course they have to be sure they are checking the "Keep me logged in" box when they do log in.
They may also have some browser settings related to it that they may need to look at if none of the above works...but that's on their end.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 04/27/17 12:54:37PM
Keith Mauck
Keith Mauck
8 years ago
67 posts
Thanks! I did locate it and it is set at permanent. So the the mystery continues!
8 years ago
7,793 posts
I get logged out of jamroom.net sometimes too. Most days its fine. For a month or so a couple of months back I was logging in every day.

think it was because firefox was being updated, not sure. Its calmed down now and I've only had to login once in about a month.
8 years ago
3,603 posts
Michael, I had much the same experience as you, but on Chrome. At this point I do find myself logged out whenever I clear my browser cookies, which i do about once a month or so. This is to be expected. Normally I'm on my Win desktop and i seem to stay logged in, but often when i go on my other devices a couple times a week (ipad, android phone, macbook) i'll find I'm not logged in by default. I think that's probably normal and is no big deal for me.

Keith, I suggest that you ask those particular users whether they are on Mac/windows/iOS/android and ask them what browsers they are using. This would give you an overview on where the trouble might lie. Knowing the pattern of where this is occurring would be very helpful.
If you find that most of them are on a particular browser, then download that browser yourself and do some testing with it to see if the same thing happens to you. Go through that browser's settings to see if there's a setting like "Clear site cookies on closing browser" or other settings that might be effecting things for those users. Find out if those users are either turning off their computer and/or closing their browser every time they walk away from the internet.
When this happens to an occasional member of mine, I usually find they are doing something that forces site log offs. My members tend to be older and it's often difficult to get them to investigate their own computer problems and settings. Sometimes there is only so much i can do for them if the issue is on their end or is a browser issue.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 04/28/17 07:56:01AM
8 years ago
1,353 posts
Could it be your server going off line for a moment? Just a thought
8 years ago
10,149 posts
This happens to me frequently in Firefox, for all sites I visit - not just JR.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
