I reported an anomaly of this kind some time ago; https://www.jamroom.net/the-jamroom-network/forum/using-jamroom/35336/users-recorded-as-following-a-profile-but-they-have-not-followed/search_string=followers
I've just had a report by one of our users: She has just received a notification that she followed user Thomas, at a time when she was not on the site. She says she did follow Thomas, but it was a long time ago and she has concluded that someone is using her account (which I think is highly unlikely).
I looked at the followers list for Thomas, and the reporting member is there, but four pages down. It is my understanding that followers are listed in order of latest first - is that correct?
I have looked at some other more recent followers and many have no other action on site, except for following this same user Thomas in the last couple of hours.
I checked the mailgun to see how many 'follower' emails were generated for Thomas. As in the last case I reported, the followed user has all notifications turned off. I will send a private email to him asking when/if he turned off his notifications (nothing showing in the activity log). I can see he responded to comments 5 days ago, so I imagine its a recent thing.
Any ideas as to what might be happening here? Is it a delay in sending notifications, or re-sending them for some reason? Is anyone else seeing this?
updated by @lornawebber: 07/14/17 11:40:11PM