solved Adding NoFollow tag to Flickr photos

8 years ago
92 posts
When adding flickr images to my site with the flickr module, I've noticed in the source code that the image link is a "follow link".

Is there a way in the templates where I can make each flickr image added a NoFollow link?

updated by @andyf: 07/08/17 09:44:02AM
8 years ago
7,799 posts
yes, very easily.

Just need to locate the template that is responsible for outputting that link, then change it.

locating it is going to be the part that takes the most effort. What I normally do is try to figure out if its a list, or if its a detail page.

List templates are in the module's item_list.tpl file and detail pages are in the modules item_detail.tpl.

From there I will take a guess at which it might be and put a sentence in the template to see if I can identify it: WHERE DOESE THIS COME OUTH????????? (spelling mistakes and all, its just to identify the location)

Docs: "Altering a Modules Template"

Docs: "Using the Template Editor"

See how you go, if you get stuck a url would help.
8 years ago
92 posts
Thanks @michael for the help. I got it!
8 years ago
7,799 posts
Love that :) Well done.
