8 years ago
18 posts
Hello, I have been away from managing a site on Jamroom for some time and the new interface here is great but, I have a two site premium subscription but only one site is listed, how do I add the other site ? also how do I update to the latest version, is this the same as the old school way of downloading the packages then upload via ftp?
updated by @bigd: 06/23/17 06:32:50AM
8 years ago
7,784 posts
ooh, no. No FTP here unless you really want to. You can download via FTP any of the packages via the marketplace here on

See that MARKETPLACE link in the menu on the left of here, it goes to:

and there is a DOWNLOAD button on each of the modules you want. You could do it that way if you wanted.

The better way is to put your license credentials into the markeplace module in your site and download directly from the ACP (admin control panel).

Check out this video in the Video Learning section

Video Learning: "The Marketplace: Installing a Module"

Also relivant

Docs: "Marketplace: adding your license credentials"
updated by @michael: 03/21/17 01:52:26AM
8 years ago
18 posts
Oh ok cool! that was the old way I used to do it all the way till 2014, right now it looks like my core version is 5.1.32, I see the modules and other add ons and that is a great and powerful way to do my module updates, but is there a need to do a full update to the overall core and if so, can I do this the same way thanks much Michael! ok I answered my own question about the core, I just read it thanks!
updated by @bigd: 03/21/17 02:01:44AM
8 years ago
7,784 posts
8 years ago
18 posts
Ok, I just figured out my confusion and the actual question that have, I have Jamroom hosted and I have another older site which is 4.3.1 , I wanted to bring that one under my what appears to be 2nd empty slot for a domain under my premium hosting, is that possible, or do I have to keep them separate and add a new one under my empty domain which it appears I am already paying for but only have one domain under the premium hosting.
8 years ago
7,784 posts
If you're using Jamroom Hosting, then you are not limited by number of sites. You can have as many sites as will fit on the server.

For some that is one big site. for others that might be 10 smaller sites.

For Jamroom Premium, thats where you dont use our servers, but rather someone elses servers but still want all the modules. That is limited to 2 domains. But you can buy add-on domains if you need them too, up to packages of 100+ if you want.

JR4 doesnt have this licensing system, if you're wanting to import it to JR6 there are instructions here:

Docs: "Jamroom 4 Import"

Or we offer it as a service here:

Services: "Jamroom 4 Import"
8 years ago
18 posts
Ok great, so that is what I have but I do have JBservers hosting, I have the Jamroom premium with 2 licenses, I am using one domain, so if I want to move the domain that is on 4.x to the premium as the 2nd domain, is that doable? id like to move my domain hosted somewhere else with the older version of Jamroom over to JBservers and then use that domain like the one that is hosted there right now, looks like the updates are easier to manage, that's what I want to do.
8 years ago
7,784 posts
"....I am using one domain, so if I want to move the domain that is on 4.x to the premium as the 2nd domain, is that doable?...."
sure. 2 domains is 2 domains. The original intention was so you could have a development site and a main site, but if you dont need that you can have two live sites too, thats fine.
8 years ago
18 posts
Man that is super cool, you know what, I really don't have a lot of updates on the 4.x site, it's probably just as easy for me to just move the domain, and build it from scratch with the new core , what do you think of this approach?also if I click add domain, it wants me to pay, I only see one site is there a way to add the other domain for the 2nd site without it thinking I am adding an additional site beyond the 2 I have in the plan? how do I add my 2nd site so it shows up in the list in the Jamroom, site browser?
8 years ago
2,584 posts
If you are on JBServers that is different from Jamroom Hosting.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
8 years ago
18 posts
right I get that, thanks for that linke, I just want to know how to add the 2nd site for right now, it won't matter about where I have it hosted, do you know how to get the 2nd site to show up or add it to the Jamroom site browser? I have one but it says I can have 2.
8 years ago
2,800 posts
I just want to know how to add the 2nd site for right now...

If you have Jamroom installed on two different domains and have entered the Marketplace Email and System ID in your ACP > Core > Marketplace > Tools > Marketplace Systems for both sites then both sites will show on your profile dashboard.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
8 years ago
18 posts
Hello Douglas, great I am tracking everything you just suggested, so my question is now if I have a domain that is on 4.x, I want to move it to my spare slot in the new ACP interface and not migrate a thing but build a new site, I can add everything up until adding the hash, how do I get a marketplace id for the 2nd site? or generate one?
updated by @bigd: 03/23/17 04:27:53PM
8 years ago
7,784 posts
jamroom 4 doesnt have a marketplace. So you cant connect it.
8 years ago
18 posts
Ok I see, part of this might be straightening out my licenses, but anyhow, if it says 1 of 2 premium licenses in the marketplace, and it shows one site with my plan, how do i get the 2nd one installed if 2 licenses were included? I purchased this plan in addition to all of the 4.x through the end of life, so I want to move the domain attached to that old jamroom and rebuild the content on the new system, since I did not upgrade the 4.x to 5, however, I purchased it , just never installed.
does this help?

8 years ago
7,784 posts
What that location is is the location to GET your license for JR5 and JR6.

When you put that info into the MARKETPLACE module in your Jamroom 6 site, it will be able to connect to the jamroom marketplace here on to install new modules.

When a site makes that connection to request the installation of modules it will be added to that section. So in order to add a site there, all you have to do is setup the site and add your marketplace key to that site.


JR4 doesn't have this system. JR4 will only work on a server running PHP below 5.3, so will be hard to locate a server company that meets those needs. You will probably need to run your own server (not a shared server).
