solved Custom Profile Template

8 years ago
242 posts
What is the correct method to allow certain "select" profiles, to have their own template?
We have already created separate quotas, and put "select" profiles onto their own quota.
However our goal would be to have a totally different look / feel for "select" profiles.
Possible to set "select" profiles, to use custom template, while other profiles use normal template?

updated by @softdesigns: 06/12/17 12:58:05PM
8 years ago
7,783 posts
Use the "Profile Tweaks" module. Enable it for those profiles. Set the default template for those profiles to a different skin. Build how you want those profiles to look into that second skin.
8 years ago
242 posts
Very Cool - will study "Profile Tweaks" module...
Great Support :)
updated by @softdesigns: 03/13/17 01:54:41AM
8 years ago
3,603 posts
Oh, that's cool to be able to do that!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
8 years ago
865 posts
Before you do anything in this area, make some sketches on how you want the profiles to look, and remember using profile tweaks you must pay special attention to the skins header and footer, otherwise some profiles will show the wrong menu etc.
