A question about mulitple accounts amazon S3

8 years ago
93 posts

just a simple question about mulitple sites and multiple amazon s3 buckets.
I´m reaching out to amazon aswell but no luck yet..maybye you can shed some light on this?

I have 3 jamroom sites with different contents
and I have created 3 buckets under one account at amazon s3.

Do you know if this is this doable with the same account and key or do I need to create three different new accounts on amazon to do this?

I think the second of the sites got a little confused when I used the same key as the first?

Kindrest regards

updated by @tettlingen: 05/28/17 03:14:24PM
8 years ago
7,772 posts
What are the buckets for? To store backups of your jamroom sites hosted elsewhere, or are they the location where your jamroom site IS?

It would seams strange to require different accounts on amazon.
8 years ago
93 posts
Hi. No nothing that spectacular.
I just have 3 jamroom sites that has nothing to do with one another. The are all on jamroom server hosting plans.
With totally different contents and purpose.

The buckets are for storing media files .. user 1,2,3 etc , img, user data
(Core ....Media system ..active media system amazon simple storage service s3)

I m a little confused over if I can use the same key + secret key for site 1,2 and 3 and just change the bucket name and bucket location for each of the sites..

Or if I need to treat each site as a separat jamroom-s3 connection, with a unique account and key for each site?
8 years ago
4,335 posts
I have a single S3 account and several live Jamroom sites. I just create a bucket for each site and backup to that bucket.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
