Jamroom cloud Question

8 years ago
223 posts
Hello JR

My question is the following, how can i move all audio files to a specific server, using jamroom cloud. This is what i have in mind i just need to know the best way to approach,

Mymaindomain.com will be main jamroom with proxima. Installed

Mydatadomain.com for audio and conversion, (do i need proxima installed here too.)

Right now I have test my website with low traffic and I came to conclusion. The i will need more resources, in my server most of the people use the app instead of the website. I want to setup the cloud now the i dont have that many users. Any ideas.

Thank you for your time
updated by @serveion: 06/01/17 06:17:27AM
8 years ago
7,788 posts
Current best option: move all the data files to S3

Howto here:

Docs: "Use Amazon S3 storage to lower hosting costs"

From the perspective of using the S3 to lower storage costs, but it could also be used to let your server just do the serving and let somewhere else provide the media content.

Brian's the expert on setting up cloud servers and he said he's thought about making a "local" file module module for distributed media, but for now the merits of that method still loose out to an S3 backend with a local cache setup instead.

Currently the issue is all the media files need to be in the same location and S3 is pretty much unlimited.
updated by @michael: 02/26/17 07:49:51PM
8 years ago
7,788 posts
Might have another option for non-S3 coming soon....... ;)
8 years ago
223 posts
hello @michael

i have s3 already set up to backups. this option i don't think it will be an option for me. because i consume a lot of bandwidth.
i like put my websites in my own server in colocation. space is not a problem but bandwidth is. s3 i will be paying more for bandwidth the for anything else. so i guess i will try make a other account just for jamroom worker for audio.

```Might have another option for non-S3 coming soon.......```
cool I be waiting
White Agency
White Agency
8 years ago
204 posts
Is this going to be based around Openstack Swift / similar by any chance ?

We use Openstack Swift across all out servers so that the servers just run code, apart from the Jamroom server we have.

Makes server maintenance very easy when you don't have to worry about about moving GB's of data around !
