Sounds Trumpish doesn't it?
I would love to see an easier way to block specfic countries. I get a lot of spam signups from India and now Poland. I think in my ten plus years of running a site I have had one legitimate signup from India. I know I can add complete ip blocks in my .htaccess but I think a module with a checkbox by spam dominated countries would be nice to have. Maybe allow a conditional statement to override the complete country block. So if I block India, I could say unless ip range is in to
It sounds extreme and maybe it would be better to try and add something to the signup to make it more difficult to get by the human check.
It really seems there is no great way of solving this issue though. As soon as you make a fix, they are working on a solution. Maybe adding captcha back in would be a better idea?
updated by @dazed: 06/23/17 08:31:46AM