Adding users

lets go
8 years ago
118 posts
What would be the steps in the follow me skin to make it so when a user adds a member like in the who to follow section or when they are on another users profile the page doesnt reload.

Instead on the profile just returns a message or image.

Like in the who to follow section when you add a user it adds them and returns more users to add.

updated by @devcentricbeats: 05/29/17 07:53:09PM
8 years ago
7,793 posts
The front page of Follow Me has the refresh there on purpose. The section is "Who to Follow" so as soon as the + button is clicked to follow that user, the user is being followed. The page refresh is done so the "Who to Follow" section stays fresh with new users to follow.

Will add your idea of making it ajax to the suggestions for improvement for that skin.

lets go
8 years ago
118 posts
I appreciate that. thanks.
