Facebook Question

8 years ago
1,022 posts
Is there a setting I am missing for songs to play immediately on Facebook when the song is clicked? The image is displayed and when you click it the audio player loads. Then you have to click play again. On the song details page, the song loads immediately so I thought all of my bases were covered.

Any ideas?
updated by @dazed: 05/21/17 07:52:34AM
8 years ago
7,794 posts
We've got plans for a new facebook player.

The best you can do is make sure all og:tags are in the correct state. From there Facebook does as it likes from them.

If you can give me a link to one of the players on facebook I can take a look see if I can see anything.
8 years ago
1,022 posts
Great news on the player Michael. Here is a link and you will see what I mean -

go to: https://www.facebook.com/Mixposure-157723244278343/
click an audio player image
result - player loads with song info and a play button
click again - song plays

Any other player like youtube one click begins the audio/video.

Thanks for the help Michael
8 years ago
7,794 posts
Yeah, its facebook being annoying.

Look here:

That is the post all by itself. click on the PLAY button there and the placeholder gets replaced with the player and the play begins immediately.....HOLD ON.

Actually I think the culprit in this case is chrome.

When I view the post in firefox, the click of the PLAY button that swaps out the image for the player does begin immediately.

In chrome, the flow is click the image, the player appears, but its paused.

Chrome's fault.
8 years ago
1,022 posts
Hey Michael - Thanks for looking at it. Other video/audio I play on chrome do not have this issue so I am not sure it is a chrome issue. I will see if I can do some research and see what is out there.
8 years ago
7,794 posts
could you show me an example of one of the ones that works well please?
8 years ago
1,022 posts
https://www.facebook.com/Mixposure-157723244278343/ That is a youtube video of Hotel California
8 years ago
7,794 posts
Youtube may get special treatment.

Google products:
* chrome
* youtube

Got any to a link not owned by google?
8 years ago
1,022 posts
Pretty much anything from reverbnation or soundcloud will work.
8 years ago
1,022 posts
actually you may be right. Just found a soundcloud and it does the same. some videos not from youtube are playing though. still poking around.
8 years ago
7,794 posts
if you can locate one that is added to facebook via a page that has og:tags in the meta tag of the page where it came from with a link to the player that shows on facebook, that would be perfect.

I can look at that to see how its done and replicate it.
8 years ago
1,022 posts
Hey Michael - I came across a FB page with a soundcloud player (flash) that loaded when clicked. Will probably need to scroll dwn a bit but you will see it.

updated by @dazed: 02/19/17 07:42:09PM
8 years ago
7,794 posts
404 page not found :(

can see it when im logged in to facebook

not seeing any players though.

Could you get to the location where the player has been shared from? Im interested to know the structure of the OG:TAG s that that page uses.
updated by @michael: 02/19/17 07:20:52PM