No admin access after installation - only as a user

8 years ago
4 posts
Hello! Can someone help me please? After installation, I am only registered as a user. I can not find admin access!
Admin account is created, but after the confirmation e-mail, only user access.
Thanks for the info
updated by @randy2201: 05/20/17 11:45:58PM
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Randy
Trying to understand what you have done.
So you installed Jamroom and created your first 'master admin' account? You should then be logged in as admin without any email confirmation. Did that not happen?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
8 years ago
917 posts
Was there an error on your first sign up and you did it again?
8 years ago
4 posts
Hi Paul
Thanks for your quick reply!
This has not happened !! I first had to confirm the e-mail and was then registered as a normal user - without ACP access!
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Randy
Sorry for the hassle - there was a bug in the download package causing this. Can you redownload the package, upload it again to your server, make sure and delete the /data/config/config.php file and try again?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
8 years ago
4 posts
Was there an error on your first sign up and you did it again?

When setting up the Admin account, the first Versach was issued as an error. The second experiment was successful. After the registration I see only my normal user account, no ACP account. I am using php 5.6
8 years ago
4,335 posts
See my post above. Please redownload and try again.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
8 years ago
4 posts
Hi Randy
Sorry for the hassle - there was a bug in the download package causing this. Can you redownload the package, upload it again to your server, make sure and delete the /data/config/config.php file and try again?

Hi Paul
I have already deleted multiple installation files from my server and re-unpacked. Always with the same error - no ACP access.

The normal process:
1) load files via FTP to my server
2) Installation with database
3) Create Admin
4) Send with error
5) Resending successfully
6) Confirm email address - only then login possible

Login as normal user without ACP
8 years ago
10,149 posts
HI Randy -

This has been fixed but you will need to redownload the package from the site here. Make sure and delete all the old files, as well as the database. Then create the DB again and with the new files you should be able to install it correctly.

Sorry for the hassle!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
