How do I configure Follow Me Skin default index data - Global Config - Site Settings - *Missing Slide*

8 years ago
93 posts
I am trying to configure the default landing template for the Follow Me skin, but I can't find the settings for it. On the other skins, I could find it by navigating Skins -> SkinName -> Global Config -> Site Settings and I could adjust the data, but its not present for Follow Me. Where can I find that to manually adjust it?
updated by @xephius: 05/01/17 04:33:06PM
8 years ago
917 posts
Other skins have dynamic lists that can be configured. Follow me only has latest members.

If you want to make changes to the index page, you'll need to use the template editor, or you can clone the skin and use your IDE.
8 years ago
93 posts
Sorry, I had to find the right template. I managed to find the templates and am editing them in place. It seems particular that the code is correct or the page won't update and run, or won't display at all. :)
updated by @xephius: 01/30/17 02:08:04PM
8 years ago
7,791 posts
True, it is easy to break stuff if you put the wrong code in. The template editor tries to check you code and tell you if you're going to put something in that will break the page.

Have you found some code that gets through those checks and breaks the page? would be interested to know what that code is so we can put more checks in to prevent it.

EXAMPLE: this in a template WILL break the page:
{if $something}
WHY: Because when you use {if} it must have an ending {/if} somewhere to show that the block has finished.

Code has rules that must be adhered too, and if not you get an error. The error is not being mean in breaking your page, its just trying to tell you that something is wrong.