persistent deleted custom fields

8 years ago
772 posts
I have a couple fields I've added via form designer and then deleted that continue to show in the form. Was also having a form field not hold values. I've tried integrity checking. I added another field and it's working; I've just got a couple that won't go away.
updated by @blindmime: 05/07/17 06:09:43AM
8 years ago
10,149 posts
That doesn't really make sense - if they are still showing then they are either still in the database, or for some reason are still in some form sessions. In your "reset caches" check the "Reset Form Sessions" option and see if that helps. If they STILL show, then they have not been deleted OR they were not deleted from the right form. Remember that most forms have BOTH a "create" and an "update" form - you'll need to remove the field from both.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
772 posts
Yeah, it's weird. I double checked everything. The phantom fields are still haunting me.
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah, it's weird. I double checked everything. The phantom fields are still haunting me.

If your form sessions have been reset, and you've deleted them from the form designer, I am not aware of any way they can still be showing. Open a ticket with us if you need us to check it out.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
917 posts
What skin are you using?
8 years ago
772 posts

I submitted a support ticket. Brian said the skin was adding those fields. He said the fields have been removed. Does that mean the skin has been fixed? If I'm running a cloned Elastic2 what do I need to do to fix this?
8 years ago
10,149 posts
I fixed this on your site - the "permanent" fix is in the next release of the Elastic 2 skin.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
772 posts
How do I update a cloned version of Elastic2? I have other sites too.
8 years ago
917 posts
The skin is like a month old. lol You're fast. I am assuming you kinda like it.

The problem is in the include.php. You are gonna wanna compare them, so you can see what code was removed. It's in the jrElastic2_insert_field function.
8 years ago
772 posts
I love it. It lends itself to customization in a way I like. It's doing some odd things though. Like this morning, I thought I'd like to add a paragraph of text in index_top.tpl. When I did that, I lost all of the "conf" stuff, like the title and social links. Even after taking out the paragraph and returning to the original, it's gone. Haven't figured out that yet.

I think the ultimate thing would be if you could make it easier to slap in a theme based on an HTML framework that is well-supported, like Bootstrap. While doing some layout changes I've noticed there are things inside Elastic2 from someone at Twitter. Would Elastic2 lend itself to merging another 3rd party Bootstrap theme into it? I know that's sort of unanswerable, but I think you know what I mean. I get that you'll have to put in all the jamroom and smarty things in your code. But if you could make a basic theme that would maintain basic Bootstrap elements and make it a little easier to load 3rd party themes into it that would be ideal. I'd think it would open Jamroom up to a larger market. I've tried it with Elastic and it's not too bad. Still working out conflicts though. I know Michael had a Jamroom Bootstrap close to finished. I've used and it's great. I don't know if it would work as a basis for a 3rd party Bootstrap merge.
8 years ago
772 posts
Figured out the conf issue. When I copied or something I must have copied the file from the original skin since all the conf variables referred to jr versions of the variables.
