Invalid template: jrSolo_audio_player.tpl

11 years ago
28 posts
Tryimg to complete site..

This message error in my activity log..

CRI: Invalid template: jrSolo_audio_player.tpl, or template directory: jrSoloArtist

Relates to message on my audio pages :

jrCore_media_player: invalid type parameter

On my home page just under the album name..

see it here:

It's supposed to have a player..

I can't find this file "" would you know which folder I should look into.

updated by @american: 02/10/14 12:46:35PM
11 years ago
2,800 posts
That template is in your modules/jrSolo/template directory.

Make sure you have the jrSolo module activated.

Hope this helps,


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
28 posts
I don't have the jrSolo folder in the modules folder...

Is it included in the solo_artist download..


message from marketplace/browse/bundle when I click on download full bundle:

It does not appear you have a valid license for an item in the bundle: jrSolo

Where do I get this from.. if only available in the bundle. ??
updated by @american: 01/07/14 08:34:36AM
11 years ago
2,800 posts
Yes, it should be included in the bundle and you need it to use the jrSoloArtist skin, that is where the templates are for the players.

Are you downloading/installing it from your Marketplace on your site?



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
28 posts

But originally downloaded files to PC and used ftp to load on to site server..

So how do I get it now..
11 years ago
2,800 posts
So your saying you can not download/install form your sites Marketplace now?

Is your install up to date?

Marketplace > System Updates

If it is, you might try reloading the core and market place modules and see if that helps.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
28 posts
did that twice..

still have this..

*Message from marketplace/browse/bundle when I click on download full bundle:

I sent an email to Brian.. hopefully he'll help.
"It does not appear you have a valid license for an item in the bundle: jrSolo"
updated by @american: 01/07/14 10:50:04AM
11 years ago
7,790 posts
*Message from marketplace/browse/bundle when I click on download full bundle:

I sent an email to Brian.. hopefully he'll help.
"It does not appear you have a valid license for an item in the bundle: jrSolo"

Yeah, somethings weird then because I can see you do have that license here in the browser.

Can you download the jrSolo skin via the link here:

I just downloaded it now to check and "jrSolo_audio_player.tpl" is not in the skin. But it is in the module that is also on the same page as that link, the "Solo Artist Control" module.

That could be the missing piece. Try downloading that.

Might also pay to check that the module is activated:

I just installed the solo skin bundle here on a dev server and after putting in the album name it did show the player, so I think we need to figure out where the glitch is with your system.

If the above doesn't fix it send the login details to support [a t] jamroom net and I'll login and take a look.
11 years ago
28 posts
Brother that has been my purpose...

But it's not working out.

from my ACP..modules.. market place...Bundles..

Top Hit: Solo Artist Bundle

Solo Artist Skin - Installed

*Solo Artist Control - no label, but it links to the JR market place for purchase..

So..Back to ACP..modules.. market place...Bundles..

Click on "Install Bundle" button..

Big box says " You own licenses.. Install!"

Click OK...

"..It does not appear you have a valid license for an item in the bundle: jrSolo.."

There lies my issue.. help.

But I will send a email to support.. Should I directed to anyone within the subject line..
11 years ago
2,800 posts
Yeah, just send an email to support so Brian can take a look.

Something isn't right as that module should be included with the bundle and you should be able to install it from your Marketplace.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
28 posts
Anything on this.. Still have this issue:

It does not appear you have a valid license for an item in the bundle: jrSolo

sent email to support.
updated by @american: 01/08/14 05:47:19PM
11 years ago
28 posts
Ok.. found the jrsolo available to me in my purchases... Downloaded to my server and Voila!

Thanks.. will that be the norm when purchasing a soloartist pack...

But... There is an issue with headers.. From home.. band.. (header is showing.url says:

Click on sub link.. blog shows but no header and in the url /kostas folder is not there.. It's /blog..

same issue with gallery.. But from home page click on album cover .. header is there and a user profile also..

It's like the full JR version with 2 navigation.. profile and home..

Are some folders messed up..


PS: is there a way to set a code to show other language for song info in the player..

updated by @american: 01/08/14 06:27:36PM
11 years ago
2,800 posts
Did you checkout the readme file for the skin, there are some skin config settings you need to setup for the skin to work properly, ie. main profile id, main profile name etc...

Note that the main profile page can have two menus or one, this is set in the skin settings.

Hope this helps,


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
