solved Facebook Song Images

8 years ago
1,022 posts
Seeing a slight issue that makes no sense. I can go to a page and click the share button to FB and the song image is displayed. On facebook though, nothing is displayed but the play arrow. I looked at the facebook debugger which shows the correct image even before I re-scrape. The og-image on the page is correct but I have seen this for a few days.

Anyone else seeing similar issues?
updated by @dazed: 04/22/17 06:46:48PM
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Sounds like FB is messing something up. If their debugger shows the right one, but you don't see it when you post, something is off on FB's end.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
1,022 posts
Kind of what I figured.
8 years ago
7,794 posts
Whats a URL?
8 years ago
1,022 posts
Hey Michael this will give you an idea.
go here -
click FB share
popup has image
click post to fb
go to fb
result - song displayed with no image
8 years ago
1,022 posts
Hey Michael did you look at this at all? No one else replied and I have a static FB og image share from my chatroom and that posted fine on FB. As much as I think this is a FB issue I am beginning to question that since I am not seeing this from other sites or even my own in specific areas. Just strange because it all appears correct.
8 years ago
1,022 posts
just found the thread on Facebook that this issue is happening on multiple sites. closing.