Audio Pro Footer

8 years ago
1,022 posts
2 Questions on the Audio Pro Footer.

1. In the footer code there is reference to social media links much like index_top.tpl but the code is different looking for the name vs url in the skin global conf. See code below. I do not see an area to set this. Is the code supposed to be identical in both or is there something I am missing?

2. The scroll up code is in the footer but I do not see it on my site. I added some google ads in my footer but I have tested with the default template also.


                            {if strlen($_conf.MixAP_twitter_name) > 0}
                                <a href="{$_conf.MixAP_twitter_name}" target="_blank">{jrCore_image image="sn-twitter.png" width="40" height="40" class="social-img" alt="twitter" title="Follow @{$_conf.MixAP_twitter_name}"}</a>

                            {if strlen($_conf.MixAP_twitter_url) > 0 && $_conf.MixAP_twitter_url != "0"}
                                <li><a href="{$_conf.MixAP_twitter_url}" class="social-twitter" target="_blank"></a></li>

updated by @dazed: 04/20/17 09:17:52PM
8 years ago
917 posts
Let me check this out.
8 years ago
917 posts
Actually, you cloned an older version of Audio Pro. This works properly on the current release. Nothing in the footer.
8 years ago
1,022 posts
Confused. This is from the current version of AP 1.0.5. There are social media calls in the footer. As mentioned I am not seeing the scroll up arrow either. Was there a new version that was not added to source control?

{if  strlen($page_template) == 0}

<div id="footer">
    <div id="footer_content">
        <div class="container">

            <div class="row">
                {* Logo *}
                <div class="col6">
                    <div id="footer_sn">
                        <div id="footer_sn">

                            {* Social Network Linkup *}
                            {if strlen($_conf.jrAudioPro_twitter_name) > 0}
                                <a href="{$_conf.jrAudioPro_twitter_name}" target="_blank">{jrCore_image image="sn-twitter.png" width="40" height="40" class="social-img" alt="twitter" title="Follow @{$_conf.jrAudioPro_twitter_name}"}</a>

                            {if strlen($_conf.jrAudioPro_facebook_name) > 0}
                                <a href="{$_conf.jrAudioPro_facebook_name}" target="_blank">{jrCore_image image="sn-facebook.png" width="40" height="40" class="social-img" alt="facebook" title="Like {$_conf.jrAudioPro_facebook_name} on Facebook"}</a>

                            {if strlen($_conf.jrAudioPro_linkedin_name) > 0}
                                <a href="{$_conf.jrAudioPro_linkedin_name}" target="_blank">{jrCore_image image="sn-linkedin.png" width="40" height="40" class="social-img" alt="linkedin" title="Link up with {$_conf.jrAudioPro_linkedin_name} on LinkedIn"}</a>

                            {if strlen($_conf.jrAudioPro_google_name) > 0}
                                <a href="{$_conf.jrAudioPro_google_name}" target="_blank">{jrCore_image image="sn-google-plus.png" width="40" height="40" class="social-img" alt="google+" title="Follow {$_conf.jrAudioPro_google_name} on Google+"}</a>

                            {if strlen($_conf.jrAudioPro_youtube_name) > 0}
                                <a href="{$_conf.jrAudioPro_youtube_name}" target="_blank">{jrCore_image image="sn-youtube.png" width="40" height="40" class="social-img" alt="youtube" title="Subscribe to {$_conf.jrAudioPro_youtube_name} on YouTube"}</a>

                            {if strlen($_conf.jrAudioPro_pinterest_name) > 0}
                                <a href="{$_conf.jrAudioPro_pinterest_name}" target="_blank">{jrCore_image image="sn-pinterest.png" width="40" height="40" class="social-img" alt="pinterest" title="Follow {$_conf.jrAudioPro_pinterest_name} on Pinterest"}</a>


                {* Text *}
                <div class="col6 last">
                    <div id="footer_text">
                        &copy;{$|date_format:"%Y"} <a href="{$jamroom_url}">{$_conf.jrCore_system_name}</a><br>
                        {* An auto footer that rotates phrases to help  If you like jamroom, leave this here. We'd appreciate it.  Thanks. *}


<a href="#" id="scrollup" class="scrollup">{jrCore_icon icon="arrow-up"}</a>


{if isset($css_footer_href)}
    {foreach from=$css_footer_href item="_css"}
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$_css.source}" media="{$|default:"screen"}"/>
{if isset($javascript_footer_href)}
    {foreach from=$javascript_footer_href item="_js"}
        <script type="{$_js.type|default:"text/javascript"}" src="{$_js.source}"></script>
{if isset($javascript_footer_function)}
    <script type="text/javascript">

{* Slidebar Mobile Menu *}
<script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
        $(document).ready(function() {
            var ms = new $.slidebars();
            $('li#menu_button > a').on('click', function() {
    }) (jQuery);

<script src="{$jamroom_url}/skins/{"jrAudioPro"}/js/css3-animate-it.js"></script>

8 years ago
917 posts
I see. The footer should have that removed. I'll do that.
8 years ago
1,022 posts
ok thanks for clarifying Nate.
8 years ago
917 posts
I'm debating on whether to have the same icons in the footer but smaller. I'll probably do it.
8 years ago
1,022 posts
works for me