solved Unable to embed images with an apostrophe in the image filename.

8 years ago
334 posts
Not sure if this is just a issue.
Embedding an image from a gallery into a comment on a group discussion, sometimes does not work. The image appears in the thumbnails in the Embed Local Media (Gallery) pop-up window, but clicking on it has no action.
At the moment I have only one instance of this. The problem is reproducible also in Admin profile.
I downloaded this jpeg image (4MB) and re-uploaded it to a test profile gallery. It still wouldn't embed via the gallery, although it can be embedded by uploading.
I noticed there was an apostrophe in the image filename, so I removed that and uploaded it to the gallery again, after which it embedded from the gallery without any trouble.
updated by @lornawebber: 05/09/17 06:23:43AM
8 years ago
7,784 posts
Yeah that certainly could be an issue. Its likely that the templates need to have an |jrCore_entity_string added to the location of the output image.

What I'm thinking is that that apostrophy is screwing up the HTML. Guessing the image is trying to get out to the page, but the broken HTML is causing it not to show.

Got a URL of a page where the image is added but not showing?
8 years ago
10,149 posts
I've got a ticket open on this - we'll get it checked out.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
7,784 posts
unable to replicate this. I added a title of
fred's bark
to an image.

Then tried to embed the image into a blog post. It worked, the image embedded.

-- edit --
Also working on comments and on forum posts.

The only time I am able to make it fail is when the comments are using the editor, and the profile domain module is on and im on a profile domain that is on a different URL than the main domain.

But in this situation, all images fail to be embedable.
updated by @michael: 01/11/17 06:40:21PM
8 years ago
7,784 posts
also tested with ' in the uploaded filename itself and its working too. having trouble with the steps to reproduce the issue.
8 years ago
334 posts
@Michael - are you first uploading the image to a PMP gallery?
Apostrophe in the image title is not a problem, it needs to have an apostrophe in the filename itself, as in your last test. I attach the actual file here (sorry it's a big file). The embedding works fine if you do it from your device into the comment. It doesn't work if you embed from your Gallery into a comment.
I was testing it in Group discussions, not blogs or forums. I've just tried a blog and a forum comment and I can reproduce the problem in both.
If you would like to try it with the example I've given, I'll raise a ticket and give you an Admin login. You would have to go to the image page first, in order for the image to show up in the choices of Embed from Gallery.

I can't show you a url where the image has been added but is not showing... When you try to embed and click on the required thumbnail, there is no action at all. All you can do is cancel out of the Embed dialogue.
Thanks for looking at this.
8 years ago
10,149 posts
I see this not working and we'll get it fixed.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
10,149 posts
This is fixed in the latest Image Galleries module - update and you should be good.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
334 posts
Perfect - thank you very much!
