search issue on new skin

8 years ago
772 posts
I've been working on a skin migration from a bootstrap html template. It's coming along pretty good so far. I've sort of glommed it on top of jrElastic so the admin side is like a Frankenstein skin but it looks alright.

I have this for the search menu:
{if jrCore_module_is_active('jrSearch')}
                        <li><a onclick="jrSearch_modal_form();" title="Site Search">{jrCore_image image="search24.png" width="24" height="24" alt="search"}</a></li>

But what happens when I click on the search icon is I get the greying of the site, but no search modal appears.

What could I be missing?
updated by @blindmime: 04/20/17 02:30:54AM
8 years ago
7,789 posts
bootstrap has its own .modal() function so likely you're getting a clash of the jamroom version and the bootstrap version.

I tried releasing a bootstrap base skin for the Open Source community to build on if they wanted. That structure is here:

could fork it and use that I guess:

Otherwise, you'll want to find a way to stop the clashing and have just one .modal() used when modal tries to open. I think that issue was addressed in the github code, but it wont be as up-to-date as the current jrElastic is.
8 years ago
10,149 posts
jrSearch_modal_form() is looking for a specific DOM ID:


So make sure you have a DIV in your HTML with that ID - THAT is what will become the modal window.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
