Is feature like this available ?

8 years ago
36 posts
I need feature like:
Quota X is for listener profile . Users with this quota can add videos or music . All people can listen all their media without limits .


Quota Y is ARTIST quota. They can add music and videos BUT ONLY users , from Quota Z (premium users) can listen their music or videos without limits. Other people (from Quota X) can only listen "demo" (like first 30 seconds from music and videos from Quota Y) .

Is it possible to configure something like this ?
updated by @piteridrecords: 04/05/17 06:02:25AM
8 years ago
7,789 posts
sure thats possible. It will require template modification, probably best to clone a skin and make a custom skin.

What you're asking about is just Quota setup. Then in the templates you check the quota is allowed to have whichever features before showing them.

Only thing that isnt there is the 30 second demo for which you'd need a custom module because currently demo previews are only limited to items that are for sale.
8 years ago
36 posts
how much to pay for this custom module?:)
8 years ago
7,789 posts
Get the rest of it setup first, then see if you need the custom module. Or are you wanting someone to setup all your quotas for you as well.
