solved Aparna - FormDesigner

8 years ago
223 posts

I have a question I create a module name promotions. but i notice something when i when back and edit the files i added. let me explain the process.
i create a post with all the information image, title, mp3, everything.
everything is working.
check image attached first.(update promotion.png) when i go to update the test for something else, it keep asking for an images the i already uploaded.
on create the images is uploaded. but when i update the post ask me for the image.
my question is the follow how can i make aparna to keep the image when i click update post, and retrieve the image from the system.

ps: in the update form i did the follow, promotion_Image require=false so it don't ask me for the image. but can i add an option to preview the image when am updating?

update promotion.png

updated by @serveion: 04/10/17 06:46:14PM
8 years ago
7,794 posts
serveion:..... when i go to update the test for something else, it keep asking for an images the i already uploaded.
on create the images is uploaded. but when i update the post ask me for the image. ....

Sounds like you have the REQUIRED checkbox on the UPDATE form for the module.

make it required for the CREATE form but not required for the update form if you dont require them to upload a new image when they submit the update form.

preview the image when you are updating? if you are using an image field, the image should show there (from memory, doesnt it?)
8 years ago
7,794 posts
There is no preview for the image when it is uploaded before the form is submitted. Once the form has been submitted and the UPDATE button is clicked, you will see the image in the form.
8 years ago
223 posts
There is no preview for the image when it is uploaded before the form is submitted. Once the form has been submitted and the UPDATE button is clicked, you will see the image in the form.

Hello @michael when i click on aparna formdesign update button i dont see the image i upload on create. It gives the option to upload but it don't display the image.
8 years ago
7,794 posts
It should do, I ran through the process yesterday to check and this is what I see. are you sure the image got uploaded?


If you have an account I can use, I can login and see what I see from here if you like.
updated by @michael: 01/04/17 12:26:03PM
8 years ago
223 posts
@michael hello yes the image is working that is the module we are using for the application
update promotion.png

8 years ago
223 posts
@michael here are the screen shot. where do you want me to send you credentials so you can access the account
8 years ago
7,794 posts
send them to support at jamroom dot net with attn michael and a link to this thread and I'll take a look.

Site modules all up to date? integrity check? reset caches? would have expected that to be working.
8 years ago
223 posts
Hello @michael
Yes ibhave done that many times, question i create this module long time ago when aparna was released, may be that image feature wasn't available then. Would that affect the module i created no getting new features?

Thank you
8 years ago
7,794 posts
did you send your details? not seeing them here yet.

Unless you've customized the jrCore form_???.tpl files with an over-ride or edit, then you should be getting the same format im getting.

Its a form field added by the form designer, not your module specifically, so the image should be there. I'll take a look.

What Im expecting to see is something interfering with it, maybe some javascript from something else hiding it, or a template over-ride or a different form field than an image field. Not really sure, just guessing. Yours should be the same as mine.

Maybe its one of the other fields on the page in combination with the image field that makes the image field behave differently. again, not sure.
8 years ago
223 posts
Hello @michael

I just email the info.

Thank you again
8 years ago
7,794 posts
got it.

check this one out:

The thing causing the image not to show is the name you have given to the form field. you've chosen promotion_Image with a capital I. It shouldnt make a difference, but in this case it is.

The easiest way to fix the issue is delete the promotion_Image field and re-make it with lowercase I, so promotion_image.

You can see the other field i added there is working , just delete that once you've got it sorted.
updated by @michael: 01/05/17 07:56:19PM
8 years ago
223 posts
Hello @michael

Omg you wont believe me but i did notice that, but, I was like that cant be it,

Thank you so much, i will go ahead and redo that post in there and check.

Thank you so much
8 years ago
7,794 posts
Yeah, I didnt think that would be it either, but to test, I added another image field to the page and it worked, so that might not be the issue, but it does seam like something is up with that field.

Hope you get it sorted.
8 years ago
223 posts
Hello @michael

You just made my day, thank so much for helping me. You wanna to know something I forgot to tell you those post are live in our application lol. Guest what. Check the attachment. That was funny.

i didn't have to delete the whole post, i just delete the image section and replace it with the same name with out " I " and the all the images are showing,

Thank you again for making this awesome system.
updated by @serveion: 01/06/17 05:36:21PM
8 years ago
7,794 posts
oops, sorry. :)

Fantastic news, that makes everything even more simple.
