solved Restore Skin

8 years ago
223 posts
hello guys

I have made a mistake and i honestly know i don't have to edit source code on skin but some how i forgot and edit the skin, then I restored it the skin and the menu don't show up anymore. lol don't kill me.

I have delete the files from jamroom system reinstall and nothing happen. this is my last option.

thank you.
Data Browser .png
Data Browser .png  •  5KB

updated by @serveion: 04/14/17 12:06:44PM
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Does any of the ACP show, for instance? If so, try running the Integriry Check and clearing caches.
Quote: I have delete the files from jamroom system reinstall and nothing happen
Not sure what you have deleted and re-installed but it might be best to contact your hosting provider asking them to restore your server and databases from a backup made prior to this happening.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
8 years ago
223 posts
hello @paul

sorry i was not very clean on the post.

everything on my website is working. i when and edit flashback source code. not inside jamroom in template section. when i notice the i don't have to edit the source code i when and delete flashback from jamroom system and reinstall it again. the skin works but the section i edited menu.tpl now the menu is gone. I delete cache, rebase skin, integrity check. i when inside skin - flashback - template and all the files are in the original way as the skin came from the install. but my website still not showing the navigation menu.
8 years ago
223 posts

i remember whats wrong sorry for the trouble. site builder is active and that happen flashback menu change. i will have to create a menu using sitebuilder
