Developing Modules

9 years ago
106 posts
Hello I been working on some new modules for my Jamroom site,
the only question I do have is that do we have to use 2 letter prefix for the naming or can it be anything as rather not conflict with any other developers here use the marketplace like using my company name ds meaning dazzle software like dsVideoPro

many thanks

updated by @perfectgamestudios: 04/09/17 05:05:49PM
9 years ago
106 posts
I also thinking of releasing them all here too as I currently have few modules in development for video professionals from steaming, broadcasting etc as well release my own version of ffmpeg and my own custom tools that do rely on ffmpeg to capture the source to reupload the file during broadcast by giving each user there own public and private keys for the server

9 years ago
7,799 posts
General rule is:
* if its for your site only, prefix it with xx
* if you have a developer account on use your prefix from there.

sure use 'ds' if you like, that way if they ever are released they wont need any changes. good idea.
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Just want to follow up here:

- the Jamroom Video module is JCL, so you would want to make tools that work WITH the video module. You would not be able to take our video module, change it and release it. Not sure if that is what you were looking to do - just wanted to be sure that was known about.

- I did follow up on your other post about video:
But did not get any feedback from you about making the module work with custom FFMpeg settings and if that would help with some of the issues you were seeing.

- To be honest, we're a bit hesitant about 3rd party developers on I know for some users having a large 3rd party developer network is attractive, as it usually provides more options. With over 13 years supporting Jamroom though, the one thing I've seen over and over again is that someone comes along, creates a new module, and then 2 months later is no longer around to support it. It ends up falling on to our team to help these customers either get working by fixing code that is not ours OR we help them move on to a supported module.

So just an FYI :)


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
106 posts
yes I know Brian,
thanks for the heads up too as right now I trying to rewrite an Joomla extension I made while back for video which involves more then just ffmpeg but ffmpeg is a big part of it.
I have managed to prototype some ideas as the project is mainly for one of our clients which is really big in the music industry
as our goal right now is to move his current site over to jamroom.
as we plan to write at least 2 modules unless I try build the system as single module
because the streaming system uses gstreamer with our own custom c++ excusable with lets us first create public and private UUID keys which can be used by broadcasting software such as open broadcaster and our code will then pipe the live stream through ffmpeg and create video file currently uses mp4, ogg which can be used on the video module of ours to let users watch previous shows.

as for the video on our current module we currently use ffmpeg but also neroenc, gpac, qt-faststart, flvtool2 and yamdi

So I take it we can no longer sell on Jamroom as I do have some of my own modules I have developed for my clients since Jamroom 5 was in beta as I currently trying to redo my main webpage right now too so can support my own client base better.

do you know if there a way we could add our own system too the marketplace like you do here for our own clients where they can receive updates though Jamroom or can we only just distribute zips as in Joomla I use to have my own update server where they could receive updates though the joomla update system using my own xml update server where it would also check my client license key to that I had on file for there purchase.

many thanks

Stephen Bishop
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Yep - we can definitely set it up so you can create private marketplace release channels - that's really the best way to do it.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
