I am doing some research on how to support multiple languages on Jamroom, and it looks to be well supported from a technical stand point. I am struggling to fully wrap my head around how to build my workflow for the site. I will try and state my objective, then specific questions on individual tasks.
Objective - To have a language selection flag in the menu bar such that all text entry's on the site will reference a string that is translated into the selected language.
1) How do I setup a language index page with the Sting ID, and the variations in languages each string has. EXAMPLE- I want to create a new "About Us" paragraph that I want to use in multiple places on the site. Where/how can I create and add a string that can be later called?
2) The following example code calls the data in string id 33, but also gives option for a default value in the string. If I do not include the "default" value, will it still work? Is this a best practice? I am concerned about having hard coded language. Is there a way to instead indicate a default language rather than a hard entry?
{jrCore_lang module="jrEvent" id="33" default="Updated an Event"}
3) Is there a document explaining how I can make a button that will allow users to change the selected language?
Clear skies,
updated by @xephius: 03/27/17 01:55:46PM