completed Podcast Hosting

Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
Anyone using Jamroom with... or for podcast hosting? If so, what are you using? I see the SoundCloud integration, but have never used SoundCloud. Been using Blubrry PowerPress with WordPress forever. Any suggestions...experiences?

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!

updated by @jffgldr: 03/16/17 09:23:47AM
9 years ago
7,772 posts
from a quick look at their website, it looks like "Audio" and "Video" are what it does. Which would correspond to the Audio and Video modules in Jamroom.

Anything special that Podcasts need to do that you're not seeing possible in Jamroom now?

Looks like a real easy setup to make a podcasting community. Not sure of the specific needs Podcasters have though.

You're the expert here Jeff, what would you want to exist?
9 years ago
865 posts
Afaik all podcasts need is a way to store the media file, auto create an RSS feed so it can be found and downloaded by podcast apps, but maybe I am missing something. So video and audio in theory should work, and then if needed you could pull all the podcasts into a special page.
9 years ago
2,584 posts
If you have the Feed module enabled you should already have an rss feed for the site and each profile:

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
Thanks for the feedback. If Jamroom could integrate with Blubrry...they created a plugin for WordPress integration, All needs are met. The are a complete podcast service, including iTunes integration. Probably worth a look. One of the most popular features (for our members) is the easy download. We produce all our shows live, play them in a 24/7 loop, and archive them as podcast for listen on-demand. Right now I upload them to a WordPress site. My goal with JamRoom is to combine as many related sites/services as possible into this community.

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
I think...for now. JamRoom has everything I need.

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Cool - Let us know how you get on with this. I'm sure other users would be interested.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
The Audio Module does an excellent job handling basic podcast requirements. The only thing I haven't figured out yet is how to catalog / filter them by show name. Don't mean to double-up, Paul...but also included filtering question in a support ticket in the transfer thread we've been working on.

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Yeah - let's not double up the same enquiries. Copying my responses to your ticket here. Let's take the forward here where its public so might be useful to others.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Can you use the 'Album' field to catalog? You could rename the labels in the module language tab, then each 'album' could include the show name (and date if needed).

Alternatively, add in a Catalog field with the Form Designer -

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
I changed (in the Form Designer) "genre" to "Date & Time" and changed "Album" to "Show". Love this part. can I display the Show (formerly Album) names in the menu on the profile page?

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
I would also like the addition of a show to appear in the timeline. I'm not seeing how to enable that.

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
7,772 posts
Not sure changing 'genre' to 'date and time' is a wise move unless you're just talking about the label and not the Form Field type. If it works and you're happy with it though, cool.

The Form Designer changes Forms. The Template Editor changes Templates. Templates are where info from the database is displayed. Forms are where data gets put INTO the database.

So ... "how can I display the Show (formerly Album) names in the menu on the profile page? " will be an alteration to a template probably, but im not sure of the exact location you're referring to. Screenshot with a circle around the location please, or a URL.
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
Thanks Michael,
This works for our benefit. We are not going to allow audio uploads by members. So, this is purely for cataloging podcasts. The piece I need next....if it can be cone is a way to display those shows in the menu on the Radio profile page. In the current configuration, someone wanting to find all the shows of a given name would have to scroll through the chronological uploads.
Sounds like I need to modify the template ...and that is probably over my head.
All suggestions appreciated.

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
865 posts
If you're using albums for the shows, you could add a block on the page that would display Show names and then link to the appropriate page.

Which skin are you planning to use? Some of the older skins had a filter by album built in them but the newer ones don't. So this would need to be added either via code or by building the page with site builder.
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
Thanks, Gary,
I'm using iSKin. If that filter by album is there, I'm missing it. I was originally thinking about creating a radio page, but went with a profile instead. I see (different) benefits both ways. The album filter would certainly solve the last long as I can display that filter on the radio profile. Maybe we could get Nate to chime in here.
Thanks again, Gary!

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
865 posts
No it's not in any of Nate's skins, afaik.

Something like this will get you the list of albums with direct links to the album page on the profile.

{if isset($_items)}
    {jrCore_module_url module="jrAudio" assign="murl"}
    <ul>{foreach from=$_items item="item"}
            <li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$murl}/{$item._item_id}/{$item.audio_album_url}">{$item.audio_album}</a></li>

you will need to decide how you want to build your Shows page now, ie via site builder or by adding new templates to the skin. (Should always clone skin before making any changes and then apply changes to the cloned version).

I would advise you make a front end template to show all the podcast shows in one place and then link to the individual profiles from there. Will make discovery a lot easier.
updated by @garymoncrieff: 12/15/16 01:33:42PM
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
Sounds like a plan Gary. So, I'm a newbie. Where do I put this code?

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
865 posts
Easiest way for you at this stage of your learning would be to use site builder, and using a template code widget just paste this in

{capture name="row_template" assign="shows"}
    {if isset($_items)}
        {jrCore_module_url module="jrAudio" assign="murl"}
        <ul>{foreach from=$_items item="item"}
                <li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$murl}/{$item._item_id}/{$item.audio_album_url}">{$item.audio_album}</a></li>

{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" group_by="audio_album" template=$shows}

And then build the rest of your page around this the way you'd like
updated by @garymoncrieff: 12/16/16 02:02:47AM
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
Thanks Gary. I couldn't get that to work. But, I've used Site Builder to build the Podcast Library at . This page will do everything I need for now. When I have more time to dig in, I'll work on the "album list". Right now we're only producing 5 shows weekly. Pretty easy to find any previous show without a lot of search.
Eventually I may move some our older podcasts over....maybe not, as there are over 1000 of them. If I move them the filter would be definitely needed. I appreciate your help!

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
865 posts
Nice looking site, yeah if you only have 5 shows weekly then this is a bit premature at this stage.

Good luck with your site.
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
Thanks Gary!

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
865 posts
No problem, just one tip, it looks like you're currently not creating albums for your shows and just uploading the audio files as singles. Nothing wrong with this but as your library grows it will become more tedious to put them all in albums later, so I would advise you start using albums from the get go. You don't have to categorise by album at this stage but it will leave it easier down the line.
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
I was doing that, but found the display confusing. So, I deleted the files, removed albums with the form designer, and re-uploaded them. This network....probably has an older average age than most. I have to keep things extremely simple. I'll revisit the whole thing in a week or so. I greatly appreciate your help and tips. Take care.

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!