Mailchimp Integration

9 years ago
76 posts
Need some advise in regard to Mailchimp integration I can exchange with Mailchimp email, user name, first name, last name and user language.

however I can not sink member quota with mailchimp and the date when the user has joined.

date issue I think I understand it is most likely a difference in date formating between jamroom and mailchimp.

quota is not working perhaps I got the field name wrong or also a formatting issue jamroom quota id seems to be int and mailchimp should accept is as numeric. no luck

any suggestions?


FRC All Music

updated by @mountaintop: 03/17/17 10:10:47AM
9 years ago
10,149 posts
So if I understand this correctly you're trying to get the date the user joined, as well as the quota_id to be available as "MERGE" tags in Mailchimp? Let me know if that is correct.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
76 posts
yes that is correct, as my newsletters and welcome emails are specific i.e. we have a lot of german speaking members who struggle with english, therefore the language info into mailchimp as mailchimp allows you to segment. The profile ID will allow us to send specific info to i.e. artists, producers or plan members.

the only thing I could not figure out is the joined date or the date when the user has accepted the terms
the info is in the database. however I have not managed to get the correct field name.

I can live without the date, below one error log I was able to catch,

Message [system] error adding user account to MailChimp list
Date 13 Dec 2016 22:23:57
IP Address 1XX.2XX.3C.1CC
URL /user/activate/bdfd8cc9380679e39250352913745062
Memory 32MB
[_user] => Array
[_created] => 1481636187
[_profile_id] => 42
[_updated] => 1481636187
[_user_id] => 17
[user_active] => 1
[user_email] =>
[user_group] => user
[user_jrKickbox_results] => {"result":"risky", "reason":"low_deliverability", "role":false, "free":false, "disposable":false, "accept_all":true, "did_you_mean":null, "sendex":0.75, "email":"", "user":"vvvvv.ffffff", "domain":"", "success":true, "message":null}
[user_language] => en-US
[user_name] => Evvvvv
[user_validate] => bdfd8cc9380679e39250352913745062
[user_validated] => 1
[_item_id] => 17
[user_last_login] => UNIX_TIMESTAMP()

[response] => Array
[status] => error
[code] => 250
[name] => List_MergeFieldRequired
[error] => FNAME must be provided - Please enter a value

It appears I had the FNAME as required will change this, however the profile ID did not populate so far

tks for your help


FRC All Music
9 years ago
76 posts
I just checked I removed the required and the info gets populated in mailchimp except for profile ID, i think it could be a formatting issue the field profile ID is INT and mailchimp only allows Numeric.

I thought it should work, as the error message shows the correct field info is in the message.

I can live without the date.

any other ideas?

thank you

FRC All Music
9 years ago
76 posts
I have tried to change the profile ID to text, no luck, what is the field name for the text string of the profile ID? saves me to crawl through the database:)



FRC All Music
9 years ago
76 posts
One other bit of info when I do a manual sync from the mailchimp module there is no activity log entry or an error message when the sync was not successful. the message always says success

the only reason I got the activity log, one of our existing users agreed to sign up as a user at our dev site.

FRC All Music
9 years ago
10,149 posts
INT should equal NUMERIC - they really are the same. The field name on all items for profile_id is "_profile_id".

One other bit of info when I do a manual sync from the mailchimp module there is no activity log entry or an error message when the sync was not successful. the message always says success

Yeah that's not right - I'll check that out, as it could be that we're not getting back a good message from Mailchimp.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
76 posts
agree INT and numeric should be the same, I have the correct field as per activity log

it does not transfer, what is the name of the code snippet doing the transfer, I could try to convert the INT Value to Numeric or Decimal, it could be Mailchimp is handling it somewhat different e.g as a Fixed-Point Type.

not really sure, will do some trial and error :)

Thanks for your help


FRC All Music
9 years ago
76 posts
Hi what is the field name for the quota id? _quota_id?


FRC All Music
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Its a profile variable - 'profile_quota_id'

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
76 posts
yes that was I have. I had a chat session with Mailchimp, they have monitored the API on their side and nothing is coming thru

I have tried to switch on debug mode but nothing gets captured in the log. what does the debut log capture?

no activity log error is showing

any more ideas?

FRC All Music
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Currently in this thread, you are asking questions and we are replying as if you are debugging the jrMailChimp module. If that is what you want to do we can keep replying as is. If you want US to debug the module, its better to offer steps to show how we can setup to see the error happening.

So in answer to your question: "What does the debug log capture?" its easy to find that out by running a search on the module for jrCore_logger. or just '_logger'. that will return all the locations in the code base that log something to the activity log.

In this case there are 5 locations. (screenshot)
9 years ago
76 posts
Michael I'm not sure who you are and if you speak or represent Jamroom. I suggest we continue this discussion in private. In short I find your attitude offensive.

Just to summarise modules like the mailchimp module and some others have issues. Do not misunderstand me I have no problem with code errors. A complex application like Jamroom is bound to have code inconsistencies.

Back the to the issue, the answers I'm getting are not always helpful. At now time has anyone mentioned the Jamroom group is actively working on the issues. Nor has anyone ask any detailed questions.

Each time I have offered my findings. I have communicated and had online sessions with Mailchimp the issue appears to be on the Jamroom side. In order to give you more hints I have tried to switch on the debug function, nothing got captured therefore my question how does this thing work. Yes, sometimes, I may ask you in your eyes stupid questions, however my time is also limited therefore a question saves me hours of research into the jamroom product. I do not want to become Jamroom programmer. I'm paying on purpose for VIP support, because I understand how hard this business is and how tight money can be and I’m happy to support Jamroom.

I'm not sure if you are representing Jamroom, if you are, I ask myself why do I pay monthly VIP Support for no or little return. I'm better off to cancel the VIP support and find myself a freelance programmer to fix the errors and be done with. But, would this help the overall jamroom product development or Jamroom community ? Why should I share fixes I paid for, with Jamroom.

I have enough of this conversation. I'm happy to continue this conversation with the Jamroom Owners in order find a mutually agreeable position. In case you are wandering my background is in IT I have been the design authority for more than one mission critical system, but I have no desire to go back to programming or coding, I know enough and I’m happy to play around on the edges, but to be efficient with a product like jamroom a lot of time and effort is required which I do not have and do not want to have.


FRC All Music
9 years ago
10,149 posts
Hi Helmet -

Let's take this down a notch - there's no reason to get this upset or offended at what Michael posted. Michael is part of the Jamroom Team and has been for years.

What Michael has posted is completely reasonable - he is simply asking:

1) Do you want us to help you debug the issue HERE, in the forum by posting back and forth?

2) Or do you want to give us instructions on how to REPLICATE the issue so we can fix it and get it fixed in the module if needed?

We would prefer to address this the second way as that way we can be sure it gets fixed. We don't like telling our customers to fix things on their own, but if you would prefer that we debug this issue by going back and forth in the forum then we can try. If that line of thinking is offensive I apologize - it's not our intent (ever) to offend a JR user. We're here to help - but sometimes we need more information or need the problem put to us in a different way before we can move forward with a solution.

With the recent JR6 release just know that we've been super busy - we're trying address and fix issues that are rolling, as well as helping users get their sites upgrades to JR6.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
10,149 posts
One thing I am seeing when checking this out is that the MERGE tags are designed to work with the USER info - not the profile info (since USERS have email addresses, and not PROFILES). However, since every user_id has a _profile_id we may be able to get that to work.

I am checking this out and will let you know when I have figured something out. I have to get setup on Mailchimp, since this module was developed (and sponsored) by a former JR user, it's no something we use here on

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
76 posts
Hi Michael,

Thank you for your reply, I'm too don't like to get in this type of discussion. If my response came across too strong it was not intended please accept my apology.

My preferred option is you fix the issues, however please let me know what you want from me and perhaps a timeframe or a indication when you have time to look at things.

I do not want to go live with issues which in my eyes are serious. I have some our loyal user testing the dev site and as you may can appreciate they are also asking when certain things which are important fixed.

I fully appreciate the issues you guys are facing and I believe, Brian you and your team have created a great product, most likely the best on the net.

looking forward to a long and successful relationship.


FRC All Music
9 years ago
10,149 posts
I'm checking it out - since the quota_id is part of the PROFILE info, and not the USER info, it's not going to work as is. I'm checking it out to see how and if we can get that added in.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
76 posts
Hi Brian,

Thank you for looking into this, If it is extra effort I'm happy to contribute something, however also my funds are not unlimited, so be gentle :)

I have Nat developing charts for the follow me skin if it is ok with Nat I'm happy to make them available to you. I have other work in the pipeline with Nat which may is useful for you and again I'm happy to share.

by the way I found one activity log in regard to mailchimp which may interest you let me know and I will post it.


FRC All Music
9 years ago
76 posts
this is the strange activity log

[response] => Array
[status] => error
[code] => 250
[name] => List_MergeFieldRequired
[error] => FNAME must be provided - Please enter a value

FRC All Music
9 years ago
10,149 posts
I snipped your reply since it includes a password hash. I don't need the info from the log - I already know what the issue is.

The issue is that the Mailchimp module is only designed to work with USER data - NOT profile data. If you see "quota_id" in your Available merge fields, it's an error - that field should not be available as a custom user form field, but on older installs (that have been kept up to date) you may see it, but it's not going to work.

I can definitely look into adding PROFILE support to this module - i.e. you would have access to the profile_ and quota_ keys for MERGE fields. It's not going to be a high priority right now though since we still have a lot of post JR6 work we are working on, and this module is used by very few sites.

If you're interested in sponsoring the development of the new features let me know at support [at] jamroom [dot] net.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom