jrEvents lightbox images in Nova Skin

11 years ago
600 posts
I want to be able to view when clicked the whole Event image in a Lightbox that is uploaded into jrEvents.
( event_image )
At the moment it cuts off if it's landscape and also is too small to read anywhere.

Is this possible?

I looked at the gallery but it looks like it is built into the module.

Our guys normally submit an A4 flyer which would also be great if it was printable ( via a print button maybe? )

Is there a sitewide reference for a lightbox? eg rel="lightbox"

This is what I am using in my concerts_location.tpl at the moment
<div class="p20 center media_title">
        <a href="{$jamroom_url}/concerts/locations/{$item.event_location}">
             {jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrEvent" type="event_image" item_id=$item._item_id size="large" alt=$item.event_title class="iloutline img_scale"}<br />

~ https://punkbandpromotions.com ~
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updated by @madc: 02/10/14 08:44:36AM
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
change the class "iloutline img_scale" to a new one like "flyer_img" in your css.

Also change it on your function call to the new name in your code posted above. Write your css for "flyer_img" to work with your flyer size and to look how you want it.
updated by @developer-networks: 01/06/14 02:31:34AM
11 years ago
600 posts
Yeah I get that @b360. Thanks but that doesn't fix the lightbox issue.
I would rather it be the img_scale size then clickable to lightbox.
Any idea on how to achieve that?

~ https://punkbandpromotions.com ~
Check us out for all your Punk/Alternative Music!
Check us out on Facebook:- https://facebook.com/PunkBandPromotion
11 years ago
7,791 posts
this seams to work:
<a href="http://your-site.com/event/image/event_image/1/xxxlarge/_v=1389081252" class="lightbox">lightbox</a>

so just swap out the item id for the one your using. or go and see how the gallery module does it. it has a lightbox.

the trigger is this code that is probably firing on whatever page your using, but just check the source to be sure.

