Jamroom upload stuck at 512M

9 years ago
106 posts
Hello not sure if this is hard coded in jamroom someplace as everything was fine before but now uploads are stuck at 512M even when I check phpinfo page is does show 4096M but in jamroom it still shows 512 no matter what I do I have also checked integrity check and quota but still no change
updated by @perfectgamestudios: 03/13/17 01:54:14PM
9 years ago
7,799 posts
upload size is about 1/4 of the server limits:

Docs: "How do I increase Php's upload limits?"
9 years ago
10,149 posts
There's nothing hard coded in Jamroom to limit you to 512M. However you will need to set ALL 3 of the entries listed in the guide Michael posted to 4096M if you want the upload size to be 1024M.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
10,149 posts
Also - don't forget to restart your web server AND run an Integrity Check AFTER you make the changes that way JR picks up the new settings.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
106 posts
yea I figured it out seems that cpanel has made some changes as I do have 64 gig on my 2 servers as right now trying use jamroom for client that I have. as I ended up scanning the source code as for some reason when I use 2048M on all those values sets the upload to 1 gig.

also another note can jamroom do real hd video or am I going to need to write my own video module for this as the quality of the video I did for testing is no way hd quality video.

as I thinking I going too need to rewrite the video module for 2 pass and compile my own ffmpeg since the encode you have for ffmpeg seems very limited and no way its designed for hd and for streaming quality of that quality that vimeo and other hd video sites provide

here is my test video


as I wrote my own video system last year and that had the quality of hd which was almost identical of the original video but streams perfect as I trying to redo all my sites for the cloud eventually as I did buy the 5 license system last night so I can start porting my Joomla sites over to Jamroom 6.x

9 years ago
106 posts
Here is a image I attached that you can see the compare of vimeo converted file vs Jamroom converted file
9 years ago
10,149 posts
Do you have a link to the raw video that I can download and test with?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
10,149 posts
Looking at this now on my Retina screen, the side by side screenshots are pretty close. The JR video is slightly fuzzier in the clouds, but otherwise looks nice. To be honest I need to see it up close though, so would like to get a link to the actual video so I can run it through conversion here.

Jamroom's Video module optimizes primarily for space - since that is usually of more concern to our customers.

Ideally though you're not having to customize the Video module and it has options in it that satisfy most everyone's needs (i.e. smaller file size, lower quality versus larger file size and higher quality), so can check this out and see if we need a round of updates.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
865 posts
Ideally though you're not having to customize the Video module and it has options in it that satisfy most everyone's needs (i.e. smaller file size, lower quality versus larger file size and higher quality), so can check this out and see if we need a round of updates.


That would be nice, especially if it is implemented like the audio quality settings are in quota options, which I assume it would be if it get's done.
9 years ago
106 posts
I Will get that video for you sometime tomorrow but I know for true hd running 2 pass seems to work better I do have my old code I use to run before as I use to run mp4box too maybe we could add option to run our own ffmpeg and commands
9 years ago
106 posts
Here an better example here is Jamroom version


and here is the one I converted myself


using the following example for converting video

ffmpeg -i [INPUT] -s 1920x1080 -aspect 1920:1080 -r 30000/1001 -b 1550k -bt 1792k -vcodec libx264 -pass 1 -vpre fastfirstpass -an [OUTPUT].mp4 && ffmpeg -y -i [INPUT] -s 1920x1080 -aspect 1920:1080 -r 30000/1001 -b 1550k -bt 1792k -vcodec libx264 -pass 2 -vpre hq -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k [OUTPUT].mp4

as what Jamroom outputs right now is SD not even HD
9 years ago
10,149 posts
For being 38% of the size of your mp4 video (240mb versus 617mb), the JR version looks really good, and is certainly "HD" - it's resolution is 1280x720, the same as the MP4 version. To be frank I think 99% of internet users would be happy with the JR version.

Now that doesn't mean we can't make things work better for you :) What I think we need to do is find a way to allow you to enter your own custom FFMpeg command line - that way you have 100% control over how the video gets converted.

You can already override the ffmpeg binary that Jamroom uses by adding a line to your data/config/config.php file:

$_conf['jrCore_ffmpeg_binary'] = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg';

I do this on my Mac. That way you can custom compile your own ffmpeg with the features and switches that you feel are important to you.

I think the "default" setup for JR video right now is pretty good and meets the majority of our user's needs, as again the most important aspect is disk space utilization. But I will get a ticket open to look at expanding the customization capabilities of the module.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
