sitebuilder documetation doesn't even mention the container id
the container id help (?) only says "Use this unique id to show this containers widgets on multiple pages."
now thats not very helpful, i assumed that 1 of these apply
1 adding an id to a container with widgets then adding the id to an empty container would populate it with the widgets with the same container id
2 adding a container id would add it to like a select and text so you could select an already named container or add your own
i have a donate widget i want on all pages
i added a donate id to the container containing the widget
i went to a new page added donate to the id of that widget container andnothing else
it did nothing
i hoped the documentation explained its use better but seems it has not been updated to include container ids yet
so whats the proper way to use this?
can the in form help be made a little more...well helpful?
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 04/13/17 08:19:47AM