solved Auto Join main chat room

9 years ago
249 posts
I was excited about the new chat module but my members are really confused on how to use it. No one has managed to post anything in there yet.

When they login, they see is a message that says "no chat has been selected" (see screenshot)

It's not clear what to do from there so they give up.

I only have one chat room and I'd them to land IN the chatroom. I don't let them create rooms (just the community profile) so it would be easier to use if they landed where they can start typing.

I've also been asked what the meaning is for the orange and yellow dots beside people's names?


updated by @elise: 03/28/17 10:56:58PM
9 years ago
7,789 posts
Have them click on the gear icon next to "No active chat" and they can select which room they want to go into.

Someone with "Can create chat room" quota access will have needed to create a public room first.
9 years ago
249 posts
Thanks Michael. I have a public chat room. And I know how to resolve this for me.
But I feel this is a confusing user interface for a newbie.

I'd like to know how to automatically log them into the main chat room so they have a frictionless experience. How how would I do this?

9 years ago
10,149 posts
You wouldn't do this right now, since it's not supported. We can check out adding a "default chat room" option that IF public the user would be added to right away.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
10,149 posts
This has been added to Simple Chat version 1.0.1 - there is a new "Default Public Room" Global Config setting that you can set. If a user has not selected an active chat room, then they will join the room configured.

Let me know how that works for you.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Brian that sounds like a good improvement to me. I can imagine my members not knowing what to do either in that situation- I think it's good to deposit them right in a default chatroom. :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
Brian, I'm testing Follow Me for my next network launch, and see the only option is "default" disable for this feature. Is this an issue or planned?

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
10,149 posts
Jeff Gilder:
Brian, I'm testing Follow Me for my next network launch, and see the only option is "default" disable for this feature. Is this an issue or planned?

Have you created a PUBLIC chat room? You have to create the room first, then it will show up as a config option.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
Ah...thanks! On it. I like the feature. My folks would also be stumped....most of them are old like me.

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts question...where do I create the "Public" Chat Room...?

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
10,149 posts
Jeff Gilder: question...where do I create the "Public" Chat Room...?

1) Open Chat on the right side
2) Click the "down arrow" icon in the chat header
3) Create a NEW room and UNCHECK the "private" option.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Jeff Gilder: question...where do I create the "Public" Chat Room...?

Yeah I couldn't figure that out either.

One question I have:
Paul told me months ago that the JR chat would utilize the same smileys that we might have installed in our site's Smiley Module. Not seeing any emoticons/smileys at all there a setting to activate them? My big array of (animated gif) Smiley Module smileys would be kind of a deal breaker for chat for me...Cometchat (which I currently use) has a huge selection of smileys. Unfortunately I can't use any chat that doesn't have plenty of fun members really would insist on it since they use chat mainly as a fun social thing on my sites.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
10,149 posts
One question I have:
Paul told me months ago that the JR chat would utilize the same smileys that we might have installed in our site's Smiley Module. Not seeing any emoticons/smileys at all there a setting to activate them?

Nope - it's automatic - as long as smileys are allowed in the Core -> Quota Config -> Active Text Formatters, they will show up. We use it here on in chat and I see it working.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
10,149 posts
I've just turned on Chat access here on for Jamroom Hosted users - you should now see a chat icon to the right.

We have it configured to only access to the "Jamroom Hosted" chat room, but it gives us a good place to try things out and get feedback, as well as hopefully give hosted users a place where site owners can chat about running their site.

Let me know if you see any issues.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
10,149 posts
Having tested the auto join locally it all works as expected - having turned it on here on, I'm seeing it only working sporadically so am checking that out.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 12/13/16 12:17:30PM
9 years ago
3,603 posts
I had some sporatic working of the 'delete post' ...but seems to be working in general for me (both FF and Chrome). Same thing for notifications- on both browsers woudl work and then not work for a while.

Here's one smiley chat question:
Seems on my pennywhistle site, when I type in the text code for JR default smiles (which are .png images) work in the chat. But when I type in the text code for any of my added Smiley Module custom smileys (which are almost all .gif images) it does not work. Brian, do you have .gif's allowed for the chat smiley synching function?...or does it only work for .png's (like the JR default smileys)?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
3,603 posts
I just noticed something-
If I'm using my Wacom tablet pen at my desktop to delete a chat post as admin, it doesn't work on Chrome but it does on FF. But if I use my regular mouse in Chrome, it deletes the post. Go figure.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
249 posts
Wow, this is by far my most productive forum post ever :)

Thanks for the update to add the default chat room. As soon as I updated my site, a person popped in the chat room and got the ball rolling :)

For those who missed it, there is a MOBILE url for the chat
9 years ago
249 posts
I just wanted to report that the improvements on the chat are HUGE!

We went from 0 messages 10 days after deploy/broadcast to a full chat room one day after the auto-join update.

My peeps also LOVE the separate url for mobile.
That's a winner :)

9 years ago
10,149 posts
Glad to hear that - thanks!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
7,789 posts
I just noticed something-
If I'm using my Wacom tablet pen at my desktop to delete a chat post as admin, it doesn't work on Chrome but it does on FF. But if I use my regular mouse in Chrome, it deletes the post. Go figure.

That suggest that the wacom tablet is not sending the same key-code to chrome as a mouse click when the pen is touched to the delete icon button.

3 ways to handle that:
* ask wacom to send the same key-code as a mouse click in chrome
* ask chrome to interpret wacom's different key-code in the same way as the mouse click
* figure out what key code is coming in and compensate for that issue in the jamroom module.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Thanks Michael. I mentioned the pen/tablet thing simply because sometimes these things can provide a clue that helps fix related issues. I don't think it's really an important issue to persue because I don't expect many folks will be using a pen while chatting other than me...I'm kinda weird cause I use a pen/tablet in my left hand to draw for a living on my computer and my mouse in my right hand for 'normal' computer stuff...but when eating toast online I might use either one, depending on which hand is holding the toast...and I sometimes switch. Every once in a while my left pen and my right mouse get into a power battle before I realize what's going on -when my cursor acts whacky. lolol

Because of the smiley thing alone, I'll have to stick with CometChat on my main dulcimer site- or my members would come at me with torches and pitchforks. But i'll likely use the (free) jrChat on my new pennywhistle site since it's a new site and any members who join won't 'expect' 100 smileys in their chat.

Hey i luuuuuv your new profile pic Michael. Looks so nice in the dappled sun there... it's currently -3F here (-19.4C) and windy, with frozen snow everywhere...looks like my profile pic here right now. yikes!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
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lol, love it. :)

If we run out of things to do, and wacom or google dont get to fixing it first, and one of us comes across a wacom tablet with a pen ( like one, but dont have one ), then we might get to fixing it. Hows that for commitment, pretty washy....

That was taken in the airport on the way here, Im in New Zealand now escaping from the Tokyo winter.
Not going back until it warms up.

Its more likely that we could find a way to get those smileys working in chat than fixing the pen/tablet issue though. That doesn't seam so hard.

From what i understand, ( should start a new thread for this, it will get lost... ), smileys are working in the chat, but you have no visual way to select the smiley from the list is the issue. So your users would need to remember the key-combo for 100 smileys. If there was a button to allow smiley selection panel to open, you'd be happier right?
updated by @michael: 12/16/16 08:23:08PM
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Don't worry about the pen/tablet thing...I'm betting ZERO of my members use tablets instead of mice.
I'll just eat toast with my left hand if I'm going to chat.
Airport?? Looks like you're in the south of France, or getting ready to press grapes. Or olives. Meanwhile.... -12C/10F and falling...

Actually, as I wrote above, I can't seem to get my (.gif) smileys to appear in the jrChat on my pennywhistle site even when I type the code, or any variation of their codes. I CAN get one of the default jr smileys (.png) to show up though. But not the OTHER default jr smiley. Can't figure that one out. Does it not recognize my animated gif smileys? (Cometchat does fine with showing a smiley selection- though not mine, their own..but hundreds of them- see attached screenshot).

I have only the Cometchat on my dulcimer ( site. And I have only the jrChat activated on my (non-live test) pennywhistle site. The logins for both as Admin are the same, BTW...feel free to look at them or test.

"If there was a button to allow smiley selection panel to open, you'd be happier right? "
-well yeah sure, then I'd definitely use it on my new site -if I could use all my site custom smilies from the jrSmiley Module. I've already imported all my custom smilies over from my main site to my test site. I do plan to go live with that site eventually.

And on my main site (FOTMD) once the Cometchat got old to the point where I'd need to pay to update it again ( paid for their Pro version over a year ago), then I'd likely switch to jrchat if it had all my smileys...and 'if' I did a trial and the members were ok with the switch.

I like Cometchat- lots of bells and whistles. And I'm not hell bent on making you guys change jrChat. But definitely it's a bit of a hassle when I have to communicate with Cometchat's tech support in India, nice as they are. I don't mind paying for it either that much, but yes it's always nicer to get something free (as I would with the jrChat because of my hosting plan). Don't feel like you need to fuss with it just for me.

Yeah, nobody's ever likely going to be remembering any smiley codes other than :) and :(

p.s. just noticed right now I'm eating seasoned croutons with my right hand and using my pen with my left.... d'OH!
chat.jpg  •  306KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 12/16/16 09:15:48PM
9 years ago
7,789 posts
I see on your site strumelia you're using this structure for smiley codes:
and that " would cause issues with the chat module so they are being cleaned out. If you use the structure
The smileys all appear to appear in chat.

Added the interface idea to the tracker.

But if you change them, then the old locations looking for "(coffee)" wont change anymore, so dont change them, maybe add extra ones if it was important.
updated by @michael: 12/17/16 02:32:02AM
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Micheal- the info about the [ ] brackets is good to know!
But in any case, if there's no visual interface to be able to see and choose a smiley from my Smileys module, then i'd not be able to switch my members to the JR chat anyway. And the new site members would not 'know' the smiley codes to be able to use them either. That leaves it with basically a smiley function of :) and :( ...stuff people type automatically without even intending a smiley. -I know that'd be more than enough for a 'serious' site of developers, charity, shopping, or work organization, etc...but it wouldn't be sufficient on fun 'social club' networks like mine.
Thanks for your time and knowledge though!
-and enjoy that warm gorgeous weather!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 12/17/16 07:18:26AM
9 years ago
7,789 posts
We're fun, sometimes I use this smiley :p

Hearing what you're saying strumelia, thanks, its appreciated.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
sure.jpg  •  28KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
Is it possible for this chat module to show users logged in?

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
2,800 posts
Jeff Gilder:
Is it possible for this chat module to show users logged in?

It does this already by clicking on the person button at the top right of the chat window.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
Hi Douglas,
That list does (on my network) NOT match the list of "Users Online" in the Dashboard. Not sure what that actually represents.

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
2,800 posts
That list represents users that have used the chat within a certain amount of time, I think 5 minutes. Green means they are online, yellow means they are online but haven't used the chat for a period of time, and orange means they are offline.

You can't really compare that with the "Who's Online" as some users maybe online but not in a chat room.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
Jeff Gilder
Jeff Gilder
9 years ago
69 posts
Well, that's really cool! I had no idea I had so many folks checking it out.

Thank you!
Running JR6 with Follow Me on one JamRoom Network and JR6 and ISkin on another - Migrated From Ning. LOVE JamRoom!
9 years ago
7,789 posts
Micheal- the info about the [ ] brackets is good to know!
But in any case, if there's no visual interface to be able to see and choose a smiley from my Smileys module, then i'd not be able to switch my members to the JR chat anyway. And the new site members would not 'know' the smiley codes to be able to use them either. That leaves it with basically a smiley function of :) and :( ...stuff people type automatically without even intending a smiley. -I know that'd be more than enough for a 'serious' site of developers, charity, shopping, or work organization, etc...but it wouldn't be sufficient on fun 'social club' networks like mine.
Thanks for your time and knowledge though!
-and enjoy that warm gorgeous weather!

New recommended structure for smiley code is
This code wont play nice with the new feature
Because the double quotes have a meaning in HTML.
updated by @michael: 12/26/16 08:03:23PM
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Michael, I assume you are recommending:
and not
as you typed above for your examples.
I did test that format on my test site (pennywhistle site) and yes it works in the chat as well as in the regular posts on the site.
So I could go through all my smileys on the new (non-live) site and change them all fairly quickly, and the smileys would then work everywhere - in forums and in jrchat as well.
However, that resolves just half of the dilemma of the chat for me-
my members are not able to memorize all the chat codes, so I'd still need a chat button that pulls up a visual menu of the smiley gifs to select from, without their most chat programs that offer smileys have. If the jrChat had that, I could then use it on my new site when I go live...instead of Cometchat.

Another question: Are the jrChat smiley images and their codes stored separately from the jrSmiley module images? In other words, could I have a different code format for calling up the chat smileys from the images code format I keep for my jrSmiley module? (I'm thinking to the future here, if I want to switch from CC to jrChat on my OLDER live/main site, without losing all the smiley images embedded in years' worth of forum and comment posts, resulting in broken links for every smiley ever used.)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
7,789 posts
However, that resolves just half of the dilemma of the chat for me-
my members are not able to memorize all the chat codes, so I'd still need a chat button that pulls up a visual menu of the smiley gifs to select from, without their most chat programs that offer smileys have. If the jrChat had that, I could then use it on my new site when I go live...instead of Cometchat.....
The smiley button to the right of the chat text area opens that interface. Its built and will be released shortly.

Click the smiley to open the drawer, click the smiley you want from the drawer and it lands in chat.

The smileys shown in the drawer are the same ones as the jrSmiley module. You need to set some settings in the ACP to make the smileys available to eveyone in chat.

You COULD have 2 sets of key codes that worked for the same smiley:

but the problem is if the " version gets used in chat it wont do anything, it will be clicked and nothing will happen.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
"You COULD have 2 sets of key codes that worked for the same smiley: ...
but the problem is if the " version gets used in chat it wont do anything, it will be clicked and nothing will happen."

So... I guess the next question would be: is it possible on my older/live site to make it so the _"( _ version gets used in my forums and comments etc, but the _[( _ version gets used in the chat? I mean, i would assume that'd be the reason to have two versions in this situation.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
7,789 posts
The problem is ' and " characters get used a lot and have the meaining of enclosing a string.

example of a bad file name:

if a file with that name was tried to be displayed we get:
<img src="file_with_"quotes"_in.jpg">
so HTML thinks the image it should look for is file_with_

so thats the issue. I'll try to find a way around it.
9 years ago
7,789 posts
think we have this working now with "(smile)" type structure.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
You guys never cease to amaze me. I look forward to seeing your smiley button and menu feature in jrChat when it's ready!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
