solved Stations and Playlists

9 years ago
27 posts
I've tried looking in the documentation as well as the forums, however I can't figure out how to create stations, as I don't have anything listed (Image attached). When I go to my music or video stations, the titles are all there (station center, top stations, newest stations), however there aren't any stations to play music or videos.

How do I create them? I tried creating playlists, however that didn't work.

When I click the "add to playlist" button on a song, I get the error "Error: Could not save to the database".

I've tried to do this on my admin profile, as well as 3 fake profiles I setup for testing. Also, there is no option to "add to playlist" for Video. How do I create video stations, under the Videos>stations section of the site.

I'm confused, since this is way different than the list time I used Jamroom. I was able to go into a template, and create music and video stations. Everything is different lol.
stations.jpg  •  58KB

updated by @jsnzim: 03/11/17 01:26:58PM
9 years ago
10,149 posts
"Stations" are way easier in Jamroom 5+ than they ever were in Jamroom 4, and are called Playlists. As you surf around the site you can just add items to any number of playlists you want to have.

I've just tested here on Media Pro and don't see any issues. I've attached a screenshot of the icon that you will see next to audio and soundcloud items. If you're getting an error, run an integrity check, as well as check you've added playlist support to those quotas you want to have access.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
27 posts
I ran a system Integrity Check, and it is no longer giving me an error! Thank you !
9 years ago
10,149 posts
I ran a system Integrity Check, and it is no longer giving me an error! Thank you !

Glad to hear that - thanks!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
27 posts
Is it possible to set it up, to where members can only add their songs to playlists that I've already created for the stations section, which would be broken down by Genre? What I'm wanting are stations for different Genres, that include the different artists, instead of dozens of different member created stations. Something like when they add a song to their profile, it gives them the option of "add to music station" then "which station".

Also it's currently adding music to my video station, when I create playlists for a song. And I Don't see an option on the uploaded videos to "add to playlist" (image attached), only for music.

Sorry for all the Newb questions!
video example.jpg
video example.jpg  •  86KB

9 years ago
10,149 posts
Playlists are designed to be curated - i.e. "hand picked" songs and videos - It's not automatic. If you need to have songs automatically appear in a playlist, then you need to use a custom Form Field (for users to select if they want the song in the playlist) and a {jrCore_media_player} call.

{jrCore_media_player} accepts the same arguments as {jrCore_list}, so you can build very specific playlists of whatever you want.

This lets you create a dynamic playlist of songs based on your own criteria.

You would create a custom form designer field in the audio create/update forms that allows your users to decide if they want the song in the playlist:

and then use that in the "search" condition - i.e.

{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark" module="jrAudio" field="audio_file" search="audio_include_in_playlist = on" order_by="_item_id desc"}

That assumed you created a custom checkbox form field called "audio_include_in_playlist".

Play with it a bit and I think you'll see what you can do.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
27 posts
I could still use help on this! I opened a ticket a week ago, however I still haven't heard anything.

I tried to find which template to try and change the what was given to me, and on the jrCore_media_player info page, hoping it would work right, however after trying to edit multiple templates, I'm about to just give up! I could really uses some help! What I have tried to work on off and on for a week now, could probably be done in 5 minutes by one of you, so I'm just wasting my time to continue trying on my own. Could you please give me exact details, on how to do this? Or know of someone I can pay to do it? I tried this on a test page, and it did pull music the way I'm wanting, I just have no idea which template I need to change the HTML on. I thought about just doing a whole new page using this html, however it only adds the player, and not all the info about the artist while the song for video is playing, like your station does. I even tried messing around with adding that

After reviewing multiple templates and trying to change the html with no success, I give up.

What I'm wanting is:

Music and Video station pages to display only their relative type of information. Currently if I create a playlist, it shows under both, music and video stations.

When an artist uploads a song or video, they have the option to immediately add it to the appropriate genre of music or video stations. I don't want users to create dozens of their own playlists, or for me to have to add songs to playlists manually.

The stations to continue to display the artist information, as the song or video is playing (currently how it's setup)

Can you please help?

Thank you so much!!!!
9 years ago
10,149 posts
You'll want to post what you have so far in your template - what I outlined above with jrCore_media_player pretty much works "out of the box".

Note that when it comes to design tickets, we try our best to answer those but we can easily get bogged down in those type of tickets, which is why we ask NOT to open those type of tickets. If you want to work with a JR designer let us know - we've got a quite a lot going on so it may take a bit, but we do do custom design work.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
27 posts
Hi Brian, I definitely understand being busy! I'm sorry and will post questions here in the Forum! I would like to work with a JR Designer to make some changes, when someone has time!
