Under Create an Account there is no specification for Members or Artist?

11 years ago
10 posts
How can the system differencite ?

How can I fix it?
updated by @classifieds: 04/09/16 07:52:56AM
11 years ago
600 posts
Have you created those quotas or are you just using the Example Quota?
You need to rename Example Quota to Artists then create a new Quota called members and set their permissions in all the sections.
Remember to set your Artists Quota id and Members Quota id in your skin config tab as well.

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updated by @madc: 05/07/15 11:30:11PM
11 years ago
2,802 posts
How can the system differencite ?

How can I fix it?

This link should help.



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
7,791 posts
Might also take a look at this one:

"How to ask for help"

because your question requires us to guess at what your asking a lot in order to answer it.

Doug provided the link because hes guessing by "under create account" means that you are trying to create a new profile. but you might be trying to create a new user account from the admin panel from the "Create New Account" page (site.com/user/create) in which case its important to note that: user accounts are different from profile accounts. Profiles determine what resources are on the users website.
11 years ago
4 posts
Have you created those quotas or are you just using the Example Quota?
You need to rename Example Quota to Artists then create a new Quota called members and set their permissions in all the sections.
Remember to set your Artists Quota id and Members Quota id in your skin config tab as well.

I've been looking all around for this type of information. Where can I find more hints like this? Especially for the Artist module.
11 years ago
7,791 posts
You could read the documentation:

Watch some of the videos on the youtube channel:

Do the starters course:

"Start your own online community"

then move on to the developers course:

"Developers Guide to Customizing Jamroom"

There might be some hints somewhere in there. Otherwise read and ask in the forums is your best bet.
11 years ago
4 posts
Thanks a million!
