user tip JR5 to JR6 Ningja Latest activity "array" issue

9 years ago
7,788 posts
If you are currently using the skin "Ningja", in JR6 it has been renamed to "Ninja".

If you have not cloned the skin, or made any alterations to it, just install the "Ninja" skin from the marketplace and use that going forward.

However, if you have customized it, read on:

There are 2 ways forward, keep the same code base, or update to the new. If you have just made a couple of alterations, it may be easier to install the "Ninja" skin and apply your changes to there.

If that seams like too much work, one known issue is that on the index page, in the "Latest Activity" area you will see "array" instead of the activity entry. This is because a lot has changed around the timeline system and the current skin requires changes to work.

The change is to locate this line around line 387 ish of index.tpl
ACP -> SKINS -> NINGJA -> TEMPLATES -> index.tpl -> MODIFY
{jrCore_list module="jrAction" order_by="_item_id numerical_desc" template="index_activity.tpl" pagebreak=12 page=$_post.p}
change it to:
{jrCore_list module="jrAction" order_by="_item_id numerical_desc"  pagebreak=12 page=$_post.p}

* click the SAVE CHANGES button
* click the CANCEL button
* in the 'active' column, locate the checkbox next to index.tpl, check it
* scroll to the bottom, click SAVE CHANGES

You may need to rest caches if that doesn't fix it immediately.

Related Docs:

Docs: "Using the Template Editor"

updated by @michael: 07/08/21 02:07:25AM
9 years ago
88 posts
I just want to be sure I understand that change correctly.
I've never changed the skin and don't want to destroy some things on the site.

We use "Ningja" skin now. I used Site Builder to create our Home page and a few other pages.

We want to change/update our skin to "Ninja" now.

After that change I guess I need to build again our home page in Site Builder and the other pages, too.
Am I right?

9 years ago
10,149 posts
I just want to be sure I understand that change correctly.
I've never changed the skin and don't want to destroy some things on the site.

We use "Ningja" skin now. I used Site Builder to create our Home page and a few other pages.

We want to change/update our skin to "Ninja" now.

After that change I guess I need to build again our home page in Site Builder and the other pages, too.
Am I right?


No - Site Builder is skin-independent, so your pages and widgets will remain.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
88 posts
It means less work for me with changing the skin.

But, now I have a different problem. I made some changes inside CSS files in the 'skin' folder.
I guess I will need to make these changes again in the new skin folder.

Thank you :)
9 years ago
10,149 posts

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
88 posts
You're all awesome.

Thank you :)
9 years ago
3,603 posts
I'm a little confused.
My current active CUSTOM skin which was built 18 months ago from the original Ningja skin... is the skin I want to KEEP because I've made a WHOLE LOT of custom changes to over 100 customizations I imagine.

So first I would update my Core to v6, then I imagine all the module updates would then appear in my system update a gazillion modules to update one by one.
I assume the Ningja skin will NOT be among those updates to apply- because your'e switching instead to the Ninja technically I'd not be 'updating' the new Ninja skin- just installing it new from the marketplace, right?

But which things should I do FIRST, in what sequence?- first update the Core to 6, then the gazillion modules?- then last of all install the first version of Ninja,
and finally do the
"The change is to locate this line around line 387 ish of index.tpl
ACP -> SKINS -> NINGJA -> TEMPLATES -> index.tpl -> MODIFY ...and change it to this...."
- but I should do that on my current CUSTOM skin that I want to keep, right?

At which point(s) am I supposed to do integrity checks during this sequence of things?

Do I need to do any OTHER changes to my current custom skin besides this Array tweak in its index.tpl ?
Wasn't there something else about the index Activity Feed as well? I would go over the short 5-to-6 'guide' you guys posted a few days ago. But I'm still kinda worried.

Do you still think it's advisable to increase my server size and temporarily and Clone my whole live site onto a temporary domain to test the process on the dummy clone site? Hmm...I'm envisioning a half day's work here...?
I do have another non-live site I've been building- I suppose I could update all the above THERE first to jr6, but I'm the only member on it so not sure it would reveal much when testing.
Ugh, change skeers me. =8-0 Any clarifications are welcome!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Sequence for you because you have a custom skin it will all be safe. You've cloned it.

* update the core from the marketplace.
* (not necessary, but I like to) update the jrMarketplace module first by itself.
* apply all updates
* IMPORTANT: run the integrity check
* clear the caches

Then go look for what is broken. Probably only Timeline related stuff if you have any custom {jrCore module="jrAction" template="??????"} calls.

If you do have those, the template= will need to be removed or updated.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
What about the ningja vs Ninja skin stuff? do I simply download the new ninja skin from marketplace and apply new updates to it from now on and comparing... while still keeping my current (ningja based) custom skin?
"Then go look for what is broken. Probably only Timeline related stuff if you have any custom {jrCore module="jrAction" template="??????"} calls.
If you do have those, the template= will need to be removed or updated."

Do you mean jrAction template differences I might have made in my CUSTOM SKIN vs Ningja skin, in this screen shot?:
template_com.jpg  •  448KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
7,788 posts
we wanted to change the name, so 'ningja 1.9.0' became 'ninja 2.0.0'. So if you're using the default skin, change and upgrade.

For you strumelia who is not using ningja at all anymore except maybe to compare files to, you'd delete or ignore ningja, install ninja and treat ninja as the most current version when you want to compare your template files to the latest version.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Yes, understood. Thanks! :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
