"Followers" and "Followers to Friends"

9 years ago
694 posts
Both of these modules require users to approve a follower or friend, but perhaps the difference can be expressed with this imaginary skit:

Nobel Prize Committee to Bob Dylan:
"We would like to be your friend! Can we have your phone number? Then we can talk to each other. We have something important to discuss with you."

Bob Dylan to Nobel Prize Committee:
"No way! If you like my stuff, you can follow me and receive updates about my new songs - but I like my privacy. No one gets my phone number!"

Moral of the story: A follower can be accepted, but the gesture is not necessarily reciprocated. I might not want to follow you, even if I let you follow me. You can listen to me, but I don't have time to listen to you.

When I accept a new friend, or someone accepts me as a new friend, the connection becomes two-way immediately.

Question for JR team: Have I understood the system, or is this just hot air blowing in the wind?

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (researchcooperative.org)

updated by @researchcooperative: 02/22/17 02:07:06AM
9 years ago
7,788 posts
You got it. Nicely explained it in an interesting way. :)

For "Followers to Friends" module ( https://www.jamroom.net/the-jamroom-network/networkmarket/393/followers-to-friends )
Followers to Friends sets up the Jamroom Followers system to work like a "Friends" system by automatically "following back" a profile when a user follows a new profile. Includes a tool to set all Profile settings to require Follower approval so it works like a Friends request.