Possible Issue Jamroom 6 - Follow me - OneAll

9 years ago
58 posts
Possible Issue Jamroom 6 - Follow me - OneAll
Maybe I am not doing something correctly but I am trying to get Jamroom 6 - Follow me - OneAll to post to Twitter. I purchased OneAlls $18.00 service and It is Configured. Set up everything and in Jamroom I believe correctly. But when I try to post a test it does not show up on Twitter. Tried to troubleshoot myself and have not gotten very far
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updated by @seanchaney: 02/03/17 01:29:04AM
9 years ago
10,149 posts
I've just tested Twitter and OneAll here and don't see any issues - posted right away.

If you log into your OneAll dashboard does it show Twitter being setup properly? Also - note that activity is NOT shared with Instagram - only Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn (you can use Instagram to log in and sign up however).

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
58 posts
Hi Brian, I'm still not having any luck. I have triple checked the settings and even uninstalled the module then reinstalled the module as well as trying on a different User account. I originally had this set for the free account then purchased the paid account. Not sure what I might be doing wrong if it works for you guys. No problem with the login using twitter just doesn't seem to post to Twitter. I also made a new account using my wifes twitter and it doesnot post as well. not sure what I am doing wrong.
