Active Timeline

9 years ago
88 posts

Is it possible to have an "active" timeline on the site?
Now as I understand/see it's static. Each time when I want to see if there is something new, I must refresh the page.
I read that Paul worked on a module which may make a timeline active. I don't know if it's finished. If yes, is it a way to implement it on our site?

I also discovered Annika Live Wall and tried to use it. I used the Simple Example code from
and it works nice.
I also can choose how often it will refresh. I also found a code to show on one page as many activities as I want to. So, it might be a solution.
But to use it I will need a button to delete an activity from this wall. And here I stopped.

Now I don't know what is easier to get - a module which will make our timeline active, or a code to allow admins to delete an entry from the Annika Wall.

I would be grateful for any tip.

We use Ningja skin and JR6.

updated by @joanna: 01/19/17 10:02:24PM
9 years ago
7,789 posts
You're wanting JR6.

Docs: "Follow Me"

Its primary focus is the timeline and yes it has status updates via ajax like twitter does when new things happen while looking a the page.
9 years ago
88 posts
Thanks @derrickhand300
In our main timeline we use the code from suggested link - we have a nice trash bin near each activity, and admins use it from time to time.
That's why I wondered if there might be a way to add a similar code somewhere to the Annika templates to have a similar effect.

@michael - thank you. And if the only way to have an active timeline is to change our skin to Follow Me, I think I'll wait.
