Audio Playtime

9 years ago
76 posts

Is there an option to restrict the Audio Playtime? or make it optional for the artist to select play length i.e. 30 or 45 sec. without using the foxycart sell option?

Thank you

FRC All Music

updated by @mountaintop: 01/18/17 02:31:12AM
9 years ago
76 posts
Sorry for the troubles found it

FRC All Music
9 years ago
76 posts
Sorry I have to take it back it is playing the whole song instead of the set time of 60 sec

how can i restrict the playtime to 60 sec without selling the song

FRC All Music
9 years ago
10,149 posts
Sorry I have to take it back it is playing the whole song instead of the set time of 60 sec
how can i restrict the playtime to 60 sec without selling the song

You can't - previews are only enforced if the song is for sale.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
76 posts
This is a problem, whilst this may works for unsigned artist, this will not work for artist who are registered with a public rights agency.

By signing with a public rights company or a label the signed artist can no longer sell the song himself or even load up the song to his own website. He can however upload a sample of the song to showcase his portfolio and perhaps include a link to a download portal like amazon or itunes.

If I remember right play time restriction was possible in jamroom 4. As most artist are "lazy" they will not shorten the song themselve they will expect the site to take care of it.

any way to change this? or suggestions where to include a code snippet to limit the playtime?



FRC All Music
9 years ago
7,789 posts
One way to look at it:) If its the artist that signed that agreement then they upload the full song, its them breaking the agreement, not you, not your problem.

Another way:) You can build (or sponsor) a module to do what you're looking for, its just not part of the existing jamroom system.
9 years ago
76 posts
I understand it is not really my problem, however it is still an issue for labels or producers to sign

happy to pay someone to develop a module, need some cost estimate before a make a final decision, who would be the best person to approach.


FRC All Music
9 years ago
76 posts
Hi, from my limited reading I understand when you set a song price you actually create a new shortened audio file. is this correct?

saving me crawling through lots of pages of code can you please let me know where the trigger is to create the shortened audio file. in addition what flag or field loads the shortened file at the player
My plan is to create a secondary option via the song upload form field the give the file owner the option to shorten the file.

not sure if there are any not intended flow on effects doing it this way.

thanks for you help.

FRC All Music
9 years ago
7,789 posts
You can see an example of an audio sample being created in jrAudio_add_bundle_item_listener() function found at /modules/jrAudio/include.php around line 1680 ish