solved Is there a way to turn off all notifications globally or by quota on my test site?

9 years ago
109 posts
I've cloned my site so that I can experiment with updates and changes on a test site before making those changes to my live site. Since all my user data/settings are now the same in the test site as in the live site, users are set to receive notifications by email of many kinds of site activity. I'm concerned about accidentally sending a notification to someone while I'm experimenting on the test site. Don't want that to happen.

So is there a way to turn off email notifications for everyone? Or can I only do it user by user?
updated by @lesrinchen: 01/07/17 08:57:28PM
9 years ago
10,149 posts
In this instance go to ACP -> Communication -> Email Support -> Global Config and make sure you have selected "Log Sent Email to Debug Log" for the Active Email System setting and save.

No email will be sent from your system, but you can see what WOULD have been sent by going to the Dashboard -> Activity Log -> Debug Log.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
109 posts
Thank you, Brian! That should do it!
