RumbleTalk Integration

9 years ago
24 posts
Hi does anyone know how to integrate into jamroom, using existing credentials? If so could ytou please contact me on skype if possible.


updated by @richmorrissey: 01/07/17 11:01:52AM
9 years ago
7,791 posts
This page outlines how to integrate RumbleTalk with an existing user base:

RumbleTalk: "Connect your user base using the RumbleTalk JS SDK"

Quote: ..... With the RumbleTalk JS SDK, your users will not need to login to the chat.......

STEP 3: "What to do on your end?
Add the following code to your website.
This code should be executed when a user has been authenticated. "

Based on that page this is the code that would go in the footer.tpl file of your skin
{if jrUser_is_logged_in()}
window.RumbleTalkAsyncCallback = function (RT) {
            hash: 'YOUR_CHAT_HASH'
        username: '{$_user.user_name}',
        password: 'PASSWORD'
<script src="//"></script>

The rest of the integration would be the setup. You'll have to ask them about any further questions related to getting their system operational.
updated by @michael: 10/02/16 07:18:56PM
9 years ago
24 posts
Thank you I just need to figure out how and where to edit the footer.tpl.
9 years ago
24 posts
Thanks guys, I added to to the footer.tpl and entered the hash but its still not showing up on the site.. Sorry, am learning this as I go.

This is what I have:
9 years ago
4,335 posts
I'd suggest that PASSWORD needs to be replaced by whatever your RumbleTalk password is.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Also, if you have modified the template using the ACP template editor, be sure that you have enabled the modified template (the checkbox under the Templates tab).

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
4,335 posts
I'm not seeing any evidence of this code in your homepage source.
Basic question - you are modifying the footer.tpl template on the active skin, Maestro4?
Another thought - put your site into Developer Mode when developing templates. This will make sure you are not seeing old cached pages after making changes.
ACP=>Developer=>Developer Tools=>Global Config=>Run In Developer Mode checkbox

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
24 posts
No I didn't know I was supposed to add anything there or how to add anything there, I thought I was just supposed to add it in the footer.tpl.
9 years ago
2,584 posts
No I didn't know I was supposed to add anything there or how to add anything there, I thought I was just supposed to add it in the footer.tpl.

Like in poker?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)

updated by @ultrajam: 10/03/16 12:53:37PM
9 years ago
24 posts
That's a whole other project was just worried about g etting the chat working now. The poker although needs to run on a windows server and is not a priority that I have it on this server I have a seperate pc it has been running fine on.
9 years ago
2,584 posts
Ok, enable developer mode and if you have time take a look at the Jamroom chat module.

It's in beta phase at the moment, but you might get a lot out of it in the longer run.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
9 years ago
24 posts
I checked that box you said check and nothing but not sure if that's what I was supposed to check but was not in developer mode. Would it be easier if I just gavce you my sign in credentials, or rather, would you mind? I hate asking people to do anything for me I would rather learn to do it myself but I feel like I am being a pita. If this was 1985 and an apple //e I would be all over it.. :)
9 years ago
24 posts
Where do I enable developer mode?
9 years ago
4,335 posts
ACP=>Developer=>Developer Tools=>Global Config=>Run In Developer Mode checkbox

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
24 posts

Ok that's how I saved it in developer mode but still nothing. Am I supposed to be doing something with the api and hash also?
9 years ago
4,335 posts
I've no idea. We cannot support/debug third party scripts you install in a Jamroom template. You'll need to contact RumbleChat.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
7,791 posts
Open the source code on this page:

If you see your code in the footer, then all the instructions are complete and your next step is to setup RumbeTalk.

If you DONT see your code in the source code of that page, then you've done something wrong, go back to step 1.


Docs: "Using the Template Editor"
9 years ago
24 posts
The username and password didn't make sense to me as you can't just have one of each for every user unless they are assigned a variable or something so I asked them this was their reply.

"As for the integration, you will need a programmer to populate the fields of users names.
Since we do not know jamroom, we are not sure where this name fields can be taken from."

updated by @richmorrissey: 10/03/16 08:50:15PM
9 years ago
7,791 posts
The best thing you can do is follow the steps to get the code out to the page. Once you've done that part, then move on to other questions. It feels like your worrying about issues past the point where you're are at.

Have you added the code via the template editor. does it appear in the source code of your page.

Once you can answer YES to both of those questions, come back if there's still an issue.
9 years ago
865 posts
If you are using the code Michael provided above we wont see it by simply visiting your site, we'd have to login to see it. Michael is already populating the username in the above code with the users Jamroom username.

First question what are your aims for using RumbleTalk, maybe I am wrong, but all it seems to be is a simple chat room?
9 years ago
24 posts
We are a poker/radio social site and our members play in tournaments online all day long in various leagues and like to be able to record a GIF using gyazo and play it back instantly in the chat room to share, as well as pictures. We have a live twitch feed right on the site and they like the ability to 'pop' the chat room out and move it anywhere on the screen while it remains on top. We use YouTube often to replay videos or games or segments right in chat. It's mobile compatible. Has private video chat capability although I don't see us using that much.
9 years ago
865 posts
Ok thanks

Had never heard of gyazo but it appears to be just a screen grab app.

Simple Chat supports media too, the only two things it doesn't do are 'pop out window' and video chat ( which given its name I would guess it will never do). I don't know the schedule but I don't believe a pop out window for simple chat would be hard and the guys could add it for you. But given it slides in from the side you might find you no longer need the pop out window.

My advice would be to test Simple Chat thoroughly before trying to add what could be a tricky integration.
9 years ago
24 posts
I tried the simple chat and there is nothing wrong with it, it's just not what we need which is fine because this isn't my first time looking at jamroom, I did prior to us signing with Ning in April and yes that was a mistake, but I came here not expecting any chat with idea of trying to see if I could implement this as I was unable to do it on Ning when I tried back in April as they don't allow access to their servers or something to that point. I really do appreciate all the help you guys have offered also..
9 years ago
865 posts
Add to footer.tpl

{if jrUser_is_logged_in()}
window.RumbleTalkAsyncCallback = function (RT) {
            hash: 'YOUR_CHAT_HASH'
        username: '{$_user.user_name}',
<script src="//"></script>

You can lose the password line as you don't require it in this instance, the chat will only be shown to members when they are logged into your site.

You still need to use the embed code from rumbletalk to embed it on a page in your site. Once you have followed the setup instructions from rumbletalk you should see the following. (see image)


Just bear in mind that all this does really is populate the username field, no profile info or picture will get picked up and put into the chat window. Chat users will show as guest users essentially. To get any deeper level of integration you will have to create a custom module, like RT have provided for other platforms.
rumbletalkjr.jpg  •  127KB

updated by @garymoncrieff: 10/04/16 10:45:31AM
9 years ago
24 posts
Thanks Gary. Looks like we are going to be staying with you guys, will need to upgrade at end of the month tho. Couple quick questions tho, I know there are some forum sections that probably answer all this but is there a way to import ning 3.0? And what do I need to do to have a custom module made to implement that and any idea on a price range for that?

Thanks again
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Ning only provide a CSV file of basic member data (name, email, location, birthday and signup question responses) for Ning3 sites and that can be imported. However, none of their content is importable.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
24 posts
Thanks Paul that's all we wanted anyway. Just point me in the direction of where I need to go to do that as I think I saw two options, a tool and a service. I don't want to get a whole conversation started here as I know there is a section for it and thank you.
9 years ago
7,791 posts
To do it yourself:

Docs: "Ning to Jamroom: Table of Contents"

To get us to do it for you:

Marketplace: Services
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Importing a Ning3 members file is VERY straightforward. No need to pay us to do it!! Just upload the member CSV file and run the tool in the NingImport module. It'll just happen ;-)

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
24 posts
Is there a service to get something up quick, a basic structure or something. I will figure this out eventually but we are just pressed for time now and maybe if I have something visual to see I can just go modify tht for now. I assumed whne you installed a template it would put the 'default' selections in place as they are shown in the demo or maybe I am doing something wrong which quite possible it.

The little progress I have made:
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Just pick one of our skins that is close to what you want and go with that in the short term. They all work 'out of the box'.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
