hi, i am recreating freedomswings.org (i'll be flying again with them starting Wednesday)
freedomswings currently uses 3 diferent sites when all they need is 1 on jamroom to do it all
the 1 sites pilotscheduling.com or something like that
the events calander would need to be modified in a way that:
1: has a drop down menu that lists when each plane and instructor is booked or available
2: once you select a plane or instructor you can add your "event" which would just be your name and the plane and times scheduled then repeat for the instructor so the date and timeframe you select would have your name the plane your name and the instructor
3 it should also alert you if theres a scheduling conflict like the plane or instructors already assigned to that timeframe.
note we have 2 planes at 2 diferent airports so an instructor could be matched with a diferent pilot in a diferent plane at a diferent airport .. so schedule conflict checks are a must
we will also have a general (public) events calander that uses the calander in the normal way
the scheduling calander will be for logged in members only
is this something we can do?
also, @paul you had created a module or combo of modules that used the google maps and geolocation
most of our pilots fly locally to the airports ..but some fly cross country, and even compete in regional competitions..which sometimes results in a glider landing in a field
since most of our pilots are disabled ..having a way to track on the site where the planes landed could be a huge help
anyway can you think of any way to possibly use the event calander in this way?
can a modification of the calander be created as a scheduler
we would certainly be willing to pay for the specialized module
i believe they already pay for the pilotscheduling site use and it would be far better to have it all on 1 site
i assume it would be simple enough using the form editor to create special fields for the planes and instructors
and modifying the templates to list those fields is easy enough...i think
but making adding a new event automaticly add the event as just your username and the resource (plane or instructor) (and the ability to add a comment)
i'm not sure how to do this
i think..now that i think about it a special template would just need to be created that for the event title just combines the username and the resource being viewed (from drop down menu)
or maybe it would be simpler to just have 1 event scheduled with checkboxes for the plane and instructor you plan to use?
the way they have it nows kinda awkward since you 1st have to schedule the plane then a second event scheduling the instructor
that does seem the simplest route so the only thing id need to figure out is how to get it to automaticly fill in the event name with username plane and instructor
any suggestions or help would be appreciated as i think this maybe the most confusing and tricky part of the site redesign
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 12/31/16 02:47:12PM