closed user/signup challenges

Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Apologies for posting again.

I want to get this user/signup mess understood AND to look and work the way I want it to.

First screenshot = our site/user/signup

[If it matters: We are a Ning 2.0 to Jamroom site, Ningja skin, JamRoom 6, developer mode]
updated by @holly-dilatush: 01/02/17 11:48:16AM
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Next screenshot = what I see when I log out and pretend to sign up.
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
and here is what I see when I go to settings / account / form designer from my master admin profile
-- -- --
I have a few questions where I want visibility of answers ONLY for master admins, but I DO want those signing up to SEE and ANSWER those questions.

Obviously I'm doing something wrong.

Several days in a row trying, and I'm stuck and feeling like a dimwit.

Help, anyone?

Something is wrong, obviously, but what / where / how do I get those signing up to see all of the questions I've created?

Thank you,
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
One other question, too.

We want the profile pages to show the public questions, but we also want a 'cue' to show before their answers.

Right now, all I'm seeing are columns of colons below profile images.

I'd like, for example:

years studying/teaching:

Feeling like a dunce, but grateful for any help,
9 years ago
7,791 posts
This is the Form that is shown on the signup page. (
This is the Form that is shown on the user account settings page. ( )

You're wanting:
Q: some questions to be answerable by the user signing up on the signup page.
A: add those fields to the Form that is shown on the signup page

Then you're wanting:
Q: To see the answers to those question, but just the admin only
A: Add those same Form Fields to the Form that is shown on the user account settings page and make them 'admin Only'

Its difficult to start with, keep going, it will get simpler.
updated by @michael: 09/29/16 11:06:52PM
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
OK. So I'm still stuck.

I thought I'd figured it out.

Our challenge is that ALL of the questions are showing for public view... even though from the account settings form designer page I have selected 'master admin only'

Here's what happens:

Several of those questions are intended to be VIEWABLE by master admins only.

But all of the questions are showing to everyone. [see attached screenshot]

We don't want this! Only master admins should see the answers, should see the form field labels, for several of those questions.

So then I reread Michael's notes above.

And thought to myself, maybe I'm supposed to delete the questions that I want master admin view only from the user/signup form fields, and ONLY list them in the account/form fields.

So I tried deleting them from the user/signup form, and registered a test user, and this time ONLY the user/signup questions showed up for the registration form a user fills out, and then when that test registrant was accepted, all of the labels showed up on the profile page, but with blanks on the other side of the colons.

So I'm still not getting this.

I've sent some screenshots in via support ticket, but if anyone reading this 'gets' what I'm trying to explain and can maybe suggest something else for me to try, I'd be grateful.

[We're 'this' close to feeling ready to go live, but obviously need the signup questions working to do so.]
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Here's a screenshot of what happened after I deleted the 'meant to be for master admin eyes only' questions from the user/signup form:
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Holly, are you in this place and setting as here?:
(here's an example of one of my "admin-viewable only, new pending account quiz questions"....)

...and di you modify it starting from your OWN profil;e page, then your ACCOUNT TAB, then the Form Designer button from THAT location...
user_form_field.jpg  •  309KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
7,791 posts
Holly: Here's a screenshot of what happened after I deleted the 'meant to be for master admin eyes only' questions from the user/signup form:

The screenshot is not a Form. The Form Designer settings are just for the Form fields. What you have in that screenshot is a output in a template.

In a template if you only want those output sections to be SEEN by an admin user, use
{if jrUser_is_admin()}
    // put whatever you want to show just to the admin user in HERE

So you'll need to figure out which template is creating that output ( it looks like its probably profile_sidebar.tpl ) and adjust it there.
updated by @michael: 10/02/16 07:39:05PM
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Well, Paul changed something for us and now master admins do see all answers, and new users do see all questions...
But no one other than master admins is seeing ANY of the answers.

Our hope is to figure out how to have SOME answers showing for all and ALL answers showing only for master admins.

I'll close this discussion now. We are going to try to go live today, even if members won't see all the answers... at least they're NOT seeing the private info. That's good enough for us to be able to migrate.
Wish us luck!

Thanks to all,
9 years ago
7,791 posts
Re-read this thread when you're ready to attempt it again. Its all here.
