solved changing defaults when inserting an image

Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
OK. This has been a question since my Day 1 on JamRoom.

On several different days, I've tried to resolve this somewhere in ACP, read through confusing-to-non-coder-me documentation, searched through various support forum posts, and I'm just not finding my answer.

So, here I am once again.

We are a Ning 2.0 to JamRoom site, using the JamRoom 6 update, Ningja skin.

Many of our (JRdiscussion) forum posts (thousands of them) are sort of like 'storytelling' posts. To build the story, images are inserted between paragraphs of text.

For these types of posts, inserting images is a much better choice for us than attaching photos.

But we want to change the default settings.

Just now, as I was typing this post, before I continued to complain about having to remember to change the settings every time I inserted a photo. . .

. . . I realized I had not checked this since we installed JamRoom 6.

I just inserted an image into a blog (signed in as a standard user), and the default showed teeny tiny (24 px?). I changed it to larger size, and changed 'left' to 'normal', and inserted my image.

I then refreshed my page, started a new blog, and the new/preferred settings populated.

Then I tried a post in the main forum, with the same preset preferences appearing (I did not have to change anything!).

I LOVE this!

Then I signed out / logged off, and signed back in, and started a new discussion, and went to insert an image, and my presets were still there!

THIS, I assume, is the beauty of a profile-centric platform?

I'm in love! Now I only have to make a change if I don't want my own personal default choices.

Have I mentioned lately that you guys are AWESOME?
updated by @holly-dilatush: 01/03/17 05:14:52PM
9 years ago
7,791 posts
That translated into programmer speak:
"When using the Editor Image Upload module to embed uploaded images in forum threads or blog posts via the Editor Embedded Media module, I would be offered a list of options to change the inserted image. Every time I uploaded a new image I'd have to re-choose the settings, this is a pain. I love it that now the chosen settings are persistent."
Thanks Holly, good to see you like the changes. They are personal too, so each persons presets will stay for them. A cookie is set on your browser to record your preference. If you clear your cookies the presets will revert.
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Thought I had answered with a 'gotcha!' and solved, but see it's still open.
This was resolved.
We are live!
We are very pleased with our decision to choose JamRoom,
