Make a more compact Latest Activity list on my home page

9 years ago
109 posts
Just a couple more questions and then I may be set for a good long while. Yay! My site is looking good and functioning well. Now I'm just fine tuning!

I'd like to move the sitewide Activity List to the top of my home page IF I can make it look more compact. I'm imagining a more compact appearance by making it display smaller profile images. Right now, it displays the "icon" size image and I'd like to try it at "72" instead.

Can I do this with custom template code in my Site Builder widget? (My home page is built on Site Builder.) Or do I have to modify a template? I'm hoping to change the appearance of the Activity List on my home page without affecting the appearance of individual Profile Timelines (the activity list on each Profile page).

updated by @lesrinchen: 12/27/16 08:33:29AM
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Yes, the simplest is a custom template in Site builder.

Another way would be to use that same code and save it to your filesystem somewhere:
/skins/( YOUR SKIN )/your-custom-named-template.tpl

Then add that templates name to the Template Code section of the Site builder widgets like this:
{jrCore_list module="jrAction" template="your-custom-named-template.tpl"}
If you wanted to store it in the filesystem.
9 years ago
109 posts
Okay, so to do this in Site Builder, what's the template code I need to put in the custom box?

The default code is {jrCore_list module="jrAction" order_by="_created desc" limit="30"}

Nothing there refers to the images, which show up as "icon" size. How would I insert a parameter controlling image size and thus compacting the list? Searching through various templates, I'm thinking I need something like this: type="user_image" size="72" crop="auto"

but have no idea if that's right and what other pieces are needed.

Trying to learn by doing. Thanks for your help.
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
9 years ago
566 posts
Sorry im not very familiar with site builder but I hope this helps...

In a template but you would add a height or width property to the smarty function that is calling the image. Here is an example of one I used for Blogs. As Michael suggested create a template and this code is placed inside of your templates {foreach} loop and then you would call it based on that {jrCore_list module="jrAction... $item's varibles:
{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrBlog" type="blog_image" item_id=$item._item_id size="icon" alt=$item.blog_title width=100 height=100 class="iloutline img_shadow"}

updated by @developer-networks: 09/27/16 05:54:40PM
9 years ago
7,788 posts
LesRinchen:.....Okay, so to do this in Site Builder, what's the template code I need to put in the custom box?.....
When you choose 'custom' template the box will be blank. You don't want to write your custom template from scratch, you just want to change a few things from the default, so click the 'click to load default template' link under CUSTOM TEMPLATE and tweak from there.
