Just ask here, complain the docs aren't enough and I'll get some more up. Jamroom uses smarty templates, but has a lot more than just that, so ask in the forums. Right now I usually document things after they are asked in the forums then link to it.
So for todays stuff these docs seam pretty related:
Docs: "{jrCore_list}"
Docs: "HowTo: Using jrCore_list in a template - step-by-step"
Docs: "Template Blocks"
Then this for continued reading:
Docs: Jamroom Developers Guide : Table of Contents
There are a few ways to develop in jamroom. The first you will probably use is the Template Editor:
Docs: "Using the Template Editor"
But when you want to move to the next step, the team here uses PhpStorm and uploads the files to the server via SFTP.
So my normal workflow looks like this:
* edit a jamroom .tpl file that exists on the server in PhpStorm on my local machine
* That file gets uploaded to the server
* I reset the caches to see how it looks.
The transition from one method to the other is easy. When you edit things with the Template Editor in the ACP all your changes are as active-overrides. When you clone the skin all those active-overrides get saved to the newly cloned skin so your changes get moved into the new skin on the filesystem level.
Docs: "Creating your own skin"
updated by @michael: 09/21/16 11:06:55PM