solved How To List using Blog Category

9 years ago
370 posts
I was wondering how to display ALL posts in a blog category on a single page. I have included the code which I attempted to use, but which ...alas, doesn't work. Basically Search2 isn't making a difference :(
stuff.jpg  •  105KB

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru

updated by @adolygwr: 12/26/16 01:46:25PM
9 years ago
7,791 posts
When you find yourself stuck trim back the request until you find the cause of the issue.

{jrCore_list module="jrBlog" search1="blog_category = author interviews"}

and see if you get any results, you should.
9 years ago
7,791 posts
Your using mint linux? cool.

You can paste the code in here too using code blocks [ c o d e]the code in here [ / c o d e] without the spaces.
9 years ago
370 posts
Hi Michael...the code you sent gives me a list of WHOLE posts. What I'm after is a list of posts per blog category that display like this (simpler to post an example link) see 'News' "Interviews' 'Reviews' etc below the featured box:-

Of course the tabs on that page do exactly what I want them to except that they only display the last ten category posts. What I want are individual pages which display ALL posts in the category and are paginated. These will be individual pages for each of the blog cats in the tab display. Hope that makes sense.

As for Mint Linux....yes...been using it for a few years now, ever since Ubuntu started fooling around with that Unity desktop thing ( blydi awful imho ). Before that I used various Linux distros ( Fedora Core, Suse, Mandriva ) since 2004 when I took a holy vow never to allow MS on my desktop again :)

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru
9 years ago
7,791 posts
It shouldn't. That code should JUST give you the blog list for blogs in the 'author interviews' category.

Forget about how the posts look for a second, just want to get the right posts coming out, then we can pass in a template="" parameter to get it looking however you like. Lets get that first, then go to step two, layout or pagination or additional search filtering.

I use kubuntu, like KDE more than Gnome, just used to it.
9 years ago
370 posts
Yep....sorry. It DOES display the category 'Author Interviews' BUT I wanted either the snippeted format OR better still just the titles (linked) in the display. I know there was a recent thread similar to this but I don't believe that the idea of displaying by blog category was broached in that discussion.

I have experimented with KDE a few times and I guess it's ok but Gnome has a certain elegance and simplicity which I enjoy OR, probably more accurately, have simply got used to :)

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru

updated by @adolygwr: 09/21/16 09:30:03PM
9 years ago
7,791 posts
Cool, so we have the correct data output, now we need to format it, try adding the template back, that should get the formatting the way we want it:
{jrCore_list module="jrBlog" search1="blog_category = author interviews" template="index_blog_row.tpl"}

Then if that is formatted the way we want it, the next step is to get the pagebreak and pagnation setup
{jrCore_list module="jrBlog" search1="blog_category = author interviews" template="index_blog_row.tpl" pager=true pagebreak=50 page=$_post.p}

Not sure I understand the explanation correctly. But lets set the pagebreak wiht hard codeed numbers first before swapping them for variables so we know what the variable settings need to be.
9 years ago
370 posts
Got it :) I thought I should add, as an average joe with a fluent grasp of html, the ability to cut and paste css and a primitive grasp of javascript, how do I master smarty script? I have visited the official site but that is nothing more (or less) than a well structured lexicon. Where can I go to learn this?

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru
9 years ago
7,791 posts
Just ask here, complain the docs aren't enough and I'll get some more up. Jamroom uses smarty templates, but has a lot more than just that, so ask in the forums. Right now I usually document things after they are asked in the forums then link to it.

So for todays stuff these docs seam pretty related:

Docs: "{jrCore_list}"

Docs: "HowTo: Using jrCore_list in a template - step-by-step"

Docs: "Template Blocks"

Then this for continued reading:

Docs: Jamroom Developers Guide : Table of Contents

There are a few ways to develop in jamroom. The first you will probably use is the Template Editor:

Docs: "Using the Template Editor"

But when you want to move to the next step, the team here uses PhpStorm and uploads the files to the server via SFTP.

So my normal workflow looks like this:
* edit a jamroom .tpl file that exists on the server in PhpStorm on my local machine
* That file gets uploaded to the server
* I reset the caches to see how it looks.

The transition from one method to the other is easy. When you edit things with the Template Editor in the ACP all your changes are as active-overrides. When you clone the skin all those active-overrides get saved to the newly cloned skin so your changes get moved into the new skin on the filesystem level.

Docs: "Creating your own skin"
updated by @michael: 09/21/16 11:06:55PM
9 years ago
370 posts
Many thanks....going to devote an hour or so to reading through theses docs. See if I can pick up any more tips :)

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru