solved Jplayer playlist and track images

12 years ago
195 posts
Can the jplayer playlist be set up to show track images as it plays?I would like my radio stations to display track images much like the JR4 players can do.Any suggestions?
updated by @johnchansa: 02/10/14 06:43:25AM
12 years ago
10,149 posts
Can the jplayer playlist be set up to show track images as it plays?I would like my radio stations to display track images much like the JR4 players can do.Any suggestions?

The jplayer playlist plugin does not support this - something could probably be created custom, but it's not supported at this time.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
195 posts
OK..thanks for the info.
I created a popup player in JR5 which shows the jplayer and artist image above it...just the way it appears on the profile page. However it only works for one song.It plays the track and an image also appears.
I was trying to come up with something for a playlist but things got complicated.
This is the code I used for the popup player:

{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrAudio" type="audio_image" item_id=$_post.option size="large" class="iloutline img_shadow" crop="auto" alt=$item.audio_title width="196" height="196"}
{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark".....}

updated by @johnchansa: 12/30/13 08:31:40AM
12 years ago
195 posts
The Jplayer has a provision for a poster in the script.Even the JR5 players show this:
{if is_array($media)}
        {foreach $media as $a}
            {if $a._item.$ext == 'mp3'}
                    title: "{$a.title|htmlentities}",
                    artist: "{$a.artist}",
                    mp3: "{$jamroom_url}/{$a.module_url}/stream/{$params.field}/{$a.item_id}/key=1/file.mp3",
                    poster: "{$jamroom_url}/{$a.module_url}/image/audio_image/{$a.item_id}/large"

I wonder why it does not function like their demo does.
12 years ago
10,149 posts
I wonder why it does not function like their demo does.

We have created custom skins for the player, so anything that is not currently supported would have to be added in.

You're free to customize the templates to suit your needs - for example, the dark audio player is located at:


Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
195 posts
The code I posted is actually from that very template you mentioned.I'll see how far I can go...
12 years ago
195 posts
I managed to set up the image display/poster.
I also found out that you guys have done a lot of work on the jplayer templates.All I had to do was just add the height and width and the track image appeared.....thanks again
