solved How do I lock a topic?

9 years ago
249 posts
When discussions go wayward, we lock them (but not deleting them). How can I do that?
I don't mean the "auto lock" feature after 30 days. I mean something a moderator can do.

updated by @elise: 12/16/16 05:45:19PM
9 years ago
3,603 posts
In the first post of any discussion, click on the Edit gear icon in that post, you will then see the checkbox to lock it.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
249 posts
Perfect! Thanks!
9 years ago
249 posts
Isn't it odd that when I searched for "locked" I was unable to find anything about this? I can't imagine this question has never been asked...
9 years ago
3,603 posts
I think it's because you've only been working a Jr site for a very short time. By the time I actually needed to lock a discussion, I had been on discussion edit pages plenty of times and had already seen it.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
249 posts
Ahahah that is true but it's not what I mean.

When I search the jamroom forum and docs (here from the search here or on google with, I feel like there should be results for very obvious topics, like this one. Yet there is none. That's what puzzles me.

Nothing major, just curious!
9 years ago
3,603 posts
I think it's because many folks would assume that locking a discussion option would be found in the place where the admin can edit the discussion. It is, and they see it. Thus nobody posted a thread asking how to lock it...until now. ;)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
249 posts
Makes sense...

I shall be known henceforth as Captain Obvious!
Just call me Obvious :)
9 years ago
109 posts
9 years ago
7,790 posts
We can work on building new stuff, or documenting what exists. Building stuff is more fun. :)

I've added the lock or pin to the forum modules docs:

Docs: "Forum : Lock or Pin a topic"

There is some help text on the buttons themselves on the form, but I guess that doesn't help if you don't know where it is to read it.

Been trying to get the docs more complete. I know there is need for a section focused more toward using jamroom from a users perspective, so will try to get that done too.

The docs have been going up in a : whats getting asked for in the forums? => write a doc about that so its there for next time. flow.
