solved Jamroom 5 Core github

9 years ago
106 posts
Is there any plans of adding Jamroom 5 core to github as I made many changes over the years to my own and clients I managed to get Jamroom as there system.

because as of right now I had to make patch files or my own private github too pull in changes from the official builds.

as this would be a great way for more users onto jamroom since the core is open source under your own license and would be great way too add changes from community and also see what you have changed with full history.

updated by @perfectgamestudios: 12/20/16 02:38:52AM
9 years ago
10,149 posts
We've thought about this, but it would require us breaking up our repo into TWO repositories - one for the Open Source stuff, and another internal one for the non-open source and private stuff. That means we would lose a lot of history.

Right now we use BitBucket and it works well. So it's something we might consider, but it's not on our TODO at this time.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
